
Instagram Stats and Twitter News

We have hit the spot in summer where there’s not as much breaking news in Social Media. That’s kind of a nice mid-summer thing to have!  I do have one update and some important Twitter and Instagram stats to share with you!

Instagram Open-Ended Questions Feature

Ask Open-Ended Questions in Instagram Stories

Instagram rolled out a sticker with the ability to ask open-ended questions on within your Instagram Story. Previously, the poll or emoji bar stickers where ways to ask questions within Instagram Stories and get a response. Now, you can ask a question and your followers have the ability to respond.


This is a great way for businesses to interact with their followers and get insights on different things!  This is a huge step forward in Story engagement and is a simple call-to-action method for businesses to use.  It’s rolling out so what for it and explore open-ended questions on Instagram Stories!

Instagram User Engagement

I’m always on the lookout for key Instagram stats and other social trends and I’ve found a good one on Instagram. Check out this Instagram User Engagement Article! It does a great job of breaking down Instagram stats for user engagement as to why there is such a large percentage of user engagement on Instagram in comparison to other platforms.  As well, it explores how and what makes Instagram so engaging, and who (as in industries and profiles) get the most engagement.

This is a “must read” to stay up on the growth and importance of this social media platform!


Tweets with video

Tweets with videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than Tweets with photos!  Did you know that? It’s a fact and it’s all here plus a lot more in this nifty ebook by Twitter.

[click_to_tweet tweet="Tweets with videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than Tweets with photos!  Did you know that?" quote="Tweets with videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than Tweets with photos!  Did you know that?"]

That’s a wrap on updates this round.  Go back and check out a number of key updates in the Social Media world throughout 2018 to ensure you are up-to-date by clicking on any link below!


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