
Facebook Ads: How to Run a Killer Campaign That Delivers Results

Facebook Ads: How to Run a Killer Campaign That Delivers Results

Are you thinking about running a Facebook ads campaign? If so, you’re joining a long list of businesses that are using this form of marketing to promote their products and services.

The popularity of Facebook ads needs little explanation. Facebook itself remains the world’s most used social media platform. Along with having a massive customer base to target, the ads system is an effective way to promote your posts and have them seen by the right people.

At least, it is effective if you know how to use Facebook ads properly. There are plenty of pitfalls you want to avoid when setting up your campaign – and this guide is here to provide you with the pathway to success.

Are you ready to run a killer Facebook ads campaign that generates clicks and conversions? Read on for all the info you need!

Set your objective

Ultimately, what do you want to achieve with your Facebook ads campaign? You must answer this question before diving into the creative process behind your ads. Your objective is the cornerstone behind the entire plan. It’s not just a target for you to try and achieve, but it also gives you a gauge for measuring success against.

If you’re not sure what your objective is right now, here are a few examples to take into consideration:

  • Generate new leads
  • Increase website traffic
  • Increase event attendance
  • Boost the engagement levels of your Facebook page
  • Increase your content reach on Facebook

For instance, you may have recently released a new mobile app. To increase downloads, you decide to run a Facebook ads campaign. With this campaign, you set a goal of 500 downloads within one month. By doing this, you have an objective and a clear goal you want to achieve.

Creating your ad

In general, there are two ways to create adverts on Facebook: with an existing post or creating a new one.

  • Existing post: If you want to boost the visibility of an existing page, this is the ad type for you. Via the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard, simply pick “Use Existing Post”. Then it’s simply a case of picking a post from your selected Page and using it for your ad.
  • New advert: There are various selections available when going with a new ad. You can create ads with images, videos, or a combination of both. When uploading your content for the ad, remember to stick to the image/video specifications listed by Facebook.

If you’re creating it from scratch, it is advised to use a check ad creative platform. This is especially the case if you have a team of collaborators working on the ad. With this software, it is easy to provide public feedback, ensure collaborators all have their part in producing the ad, and ultimately create a design that has the best possible impact.

Starting your campaign

When you have decided on your objective, you can begin to create your Facebook ads campaign. To do this, first, visit the Facebook Ads Manager page.

Once you have clicked to create your ad, you will be presented with a list of objectives for your campaign. There are 15 in total, and these are listed under three main categories:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion

Awareness is used if you want to build interest in a certain product or service. Consideration is where you get people to look for more details and info about your business. Conversion encourages users to actively purchase your product or service.

As you have already defined your objective in the previous step, picking the right option is a straightforward process.

Build your ideal audience

The success of your Facebook ads campaign hinges on this step. Facebook allows you to really focus in on a particular audience, which means you can specifically target the audience that is most likely to be interested in your business. This means you get the most bang for your buck – you’re not dropping money on low-quality leads.

So just how far can you go in customizing your target audience? The following demographics can be altered:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Languages
  • Interests
  • Behaviors
  • Connections

With the Location, you can decide to target a specific country or go within a mile radius of your business – perfect for local marketing. The Interests option allows you to target people based on their Facebook activity, interests, Pages they like, etc. Behaviors concentrate on intent and behavior, while Connections allow you to choose whether you want to show your ads to everyone or just those connected to your Facebook account.

Retargeting website visitors: yes or no?

Have you placed the Facebook pixel code on your website? If you have, this opens the door to targeting people who have visited your website.

Retargeting, those who have previously shown an interest in your business, can be an effective strategy. They may only require a little nudge, a little reminder that your business exists to turn them into a customer. This can be provided in the form of a Facebook ad.

When retargeting, you can go in-depth with your custom audience settings. You can focus on visitors based on the actions they took, the pages they visited, and how long they stayed on your site. For instance, you can zone in on people who have added a product to their cart but didn’t actually complete their purchase.

Set your budget

Picking your budget is the next step. Trying to decide on the right budget is tricky, especially with an initial Facebook ads campaign. This is why it is recommended to test the waters with a low budget. If it generates the results you hope to see, you can then increase the budget accordingly.

When setting the budget, you have the two following choices:

  • Daily: This is the average ad spend you will do on a day-to-day basis.
  • Lifetime: This is the maximum amount you’ll spend during the ad’s lifetime.

Measure and evolve

Your ad might be out there and being seen by your target audience, but the work has only just begun. Measuring the success of your ads is crucial. If they’re not performing as you expected, you can make tweaks and see how these changes match up. Continue to measure and evolve, and you’ll ultimately maximize the impact of your Facebook ad campaign.

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