
Email localization: Here’s the important tactics to help you ‘blend in’

Email localization: Here’s the important tactics to help you ‘blend in’

The world is a global village, and with the advent of technology, this village is getting more interconnected and better-knitted. As people have more access to content, and people for that matter, the cultural confluence becomes more evident. Emails are a major chunk of digital communication and have a huge responsibility. As such, emails need to be localized as much as possible. Why?

Well, I’ll let the stats do the talking first:

  • As per a report published on Unbabel, more than half of all the consumers buy things only in their native language. Moreover, 53% of shoppers find it more convenient to shop in their native language.
  • The same report also suggests that product description being available in their native language plays a decisive role for 55% of customers in the decision-making process.

These numbers testify to the importance of localization and the impact it can have on a customer’s overall buying journey. Email marketing is one of the most profound channels of brand communications, needs to integrate localization as well. But how? Well, that’s exactly what we will learn today with the help of some localization tactics specific to email marketing. So, let’s get started! 

Hyperlocal email copy

The email copy is the first thing that a recipient sees, and it has to bear the most brunt if things go wrong. However, when played right, email copy can set the tone for the entire email. Having a local resource onboard would help you read the local minds effectively and churn more hyperlocal email copies.

Creating a localized email copy has more to do with just words. The thing is, what’s goodbye in English is Dasvidaniya in Russian. Apart from the linguistic barrier, this transition also poses a design problem. You must make sure that when you translate the email copy, your design and alignment adapts to it since there would be character difference which might hamper the spacing and overall content placement.

In the case of responsive emails, you can try sticking to the one-column email layout to keep the visual alterations in check.

You can also refer to business email template services like Pardot email templates or Salesforce email templates. They are a great way to go hyperlocal without creating a big fuss.

Familiar email signature

The email signature is one of the most overlooked yet impactful aspects of localizing your email marketing campaigns. Email signatures are country-specific as well. Hence they are equally as important as your email content

Talking about regions, in the USA, “Regards” does just fine as the email signature. However, if you are in the UK, “Warm Regards” is the more preferred and accepted signature. These are just two geographies, but the point I am making is that you should be well-versed in what works in your region and what doesn’t.

Having a localized email signature would not just give your email a more personalized vibe, but it would also be a big differentiating factor from your rivals’ emails who failed to do so.

Relatable images

This is the crucial one. A picture says 1000 words but remember that if these 1000 words go wrong, it can leave a huge dent in your brand image. What may seem fine to you might not be well-received by a specific target group. You need to be extremely careful about what goes into the visual communication of your brand. The images, diagrams, graphics, everything should be in-sync with the cultural mindset of the native target audience. Goofing this up would make your brand offensive in no time.

To keep problems away and your messaging direct, you can include symbolic images that are less people-direct. That being said, you need to have local experts for the images and content to help you strike the right chord with the customers.

Professional email marketing service providers such as Marketo certified associates or Mailchimp email experts would help you define the local narrative with ease. Not just localization, they can help you with every aspect of your email marketing campaigns.

Wrapping up

Email localization is gratifying your customers and celebrating your diversified target audience. Email marketing in 2021 is all about being global and local at the same time. No matter how big or ‘global’’ your brand is, your email marketing campaigns (or any marketing campaigns for that matter) should have a local flavor.

Localization will not only help you with deeper and easier penetration into the market but would also enhance customer loyalty and eventual sales for your brand. Marketing is all about making the connection with the end-customer, and nothing hits the sweet spot more effectively than talking to them in their own native language.

Be specific and have deep knowledge about what your customer base expects from a brand like you on a cultural and commercial level. You do not want to end up hurting the sentiments of your target audience. Understanding them better would help you avoid such common marketing blunders. Take the points mentioned above into consideration while chalking out the roadmap of your email marketing campaign, and you are all set to go!

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