
eCommerce Tips To Boost Your Revenue This Christmas

eCommerce Tips To Boost Your Revenue This Christmas

Now that we are officially in November, we can finally start to look forward to the upcoming Christmas season. With the pandemic showing no signs of leaving just yet, the holidays will inevitably be very different this year compared to others. But while it may be different, that doesn’t mean that the festivities are cancelled. So, as more and more people turn towards eCommerce to carry out their Christmas shopping in the safety and comfort of their own homes, it’s time to focus on your eCommerce business marketing plan and boost your revenue this Christmas with the following tips.

Offer gift wrapping

A nice little touch that can make a world of difference to your customers, offering a gift-wrapping service brings back that human touch that can so often, and so easily, be lost in the online world of eCommerce. A staple in a lot of brick and mortar shops, by providing this little extra, you will also be normalizing Christmas this year, providing some stability for your consumers amongst all the other changes that they are bound to experience during this festive season this year. Lastly, the majority of customers will be shopping online, regardless if shops physically keep their doors open, due to safety concerns and for sheer convenience. Therefore, eCommerce brands that offer the option of personalized messages and gift wrapping will be preferred over those who don’t, allowing the customer to kill two birds with one stone. 

Ensure that your platform is easy to navigate

Simply put, your customer’s won’t spend their money if they can’t find the item they are after. That is why ensuring that your platform is well designed and super easy to navigate is of utmost importance. Remember, you want the customer to have an even better browsing experience that they would have in a shop which is why you should use eCommerce Search. Easy to integrate into your channel, it provides users with the search bar option to navigate your store with ease, allowing them to find what they are looking for in an instant, or a similar product should it not be available. A sleek and sophisticated design, along with the right tools, can really make a world of difference to the customer experience, with the power to boost your revenue this Christmas and holiday season. 

Personalize your brand

It’s no secret that businesses across the world have been struggling this year, with small businesses in particular. Shoppers know that the giant multinational companies will be able to push through the difficulties, but that for many independent small businesses this Christmas, it may be make or break time. That’s why many consumers want to support small business owners and their staff in particular during the upcoming holidays, which is why it is so important to introduce your team and really personalize your company. Consumers are much more likely to emphasize, help and buy your products when they know it will make such a difference to their owner and the staff that they employ, choosing to support people over companies. Share your stories online via your site and social channels and let people get to know you and include videos and photos so that your customers can see the faces behind the brand and what your business is all about.  This is one of the best ways to boost your revenue this Christmas.

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