
Desktop tool for Instagram Marketing Management: Schedugram


Does your business use social media marketing as part of your online marketing strategy?

Have you felt limited by the "mobile app only" option for Instagram?

If so, then I've got some GREAT news for you!

Schedugram is a web-based tool ideal for businesses using Instagram.

It's a fact that there are many options to choose from in order to schedule Tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn shares and even Google+ company page posts. But for the longest time Instagram, even though it's one of the fastest growing social media platforms, has had no options other than the mobile app to post your brand images.

Not anymore!  If you knew you could schedule out your key company, product, and event images to reach followers at key times of high traffic and wanted a way to spread out your posts in a more orderly fashion to fit with your marketing campaign, then the online tool ScheduGram may become your new best friend!

What ScheduGram Is

ScheduGram is an easier way to manage Instagram marketing. It's totally web based and brings the power of planning and scheduling to your Instagram accounts.


Each social media network has peak times when a shared post is likely to get the most views or interactions. Instagram is no different, but marketing managers are not always available at the appropriate times and are even more limited if they have a personal Instagram account on their phone and need to switch to the company account to post a image for their brand. That's clunky!

ScheduGram solves this totally by allowing small businesses to schedule Instagram photos one at a time or in bulk to publish at set times!

How ScheduGram Works

ScheduGram works by allowing marketing managers and small business owners to control their Instagram account through an online interface.  The Australian team has created a great web-based software where you can schedule all of your Instagram photos and videos ahead of time, something really useful for marketing campaigns where you want to sequence images and videos out in a orderly sequence that tells a ongoing story with more information.

As well, it offers ability to manage multiple Instagram accounts through the one interface without having to constantly log in and out. So this solves the personal and business account problem, but as many businesses are finding, it can be of value to have unique Instagram accounts for your different product lines and so ScheduGram covers you for this as well!

Key Features of Scheduling to Instagram

  • Supports multiple Instagram accounts at the same time
  • Allows bulk uploads of photos
  • Offers photo editing and filter applying before uploading
  • Monthly plans are reasonably priced and all accounts receive a 7-day free trial
  • Allows users to post a regular caption as well as utilize the first comment for relevant hashtags
  • Supports scheduling for multiple time zones
  • Has team support, enabling multiple users to access the same account and see who has scheduled what

schedugram for businesses planning photo sharing

How ScheduGram Helps Small Businesses

In many cases, the best way to get the word out about a new product or offering is via the Internet.

However, small business owners are also incredibly busy managing their business and do not have the time to sit at a computer all day to post Tweets, Facebook posts, and Instagram photos. By utilizing the help of online social media scheduling tools, it cuts the work of the small business owner way down. All they now have to do is sit down for an hour each day—or maybe even week—and write all of the necessary social media posts, schedule them, and then reap the benefits that come with scheduled posting.

Add ScheduGram to the mix of your social tools and you now have a great asset in your time management plan! ScheduGram allows posts to be scheduled in 15 minute increments, a spacing minimum that is designed to help businesses "keep it real" and to adequately space out there posts to not inundate followers.

Note, it doesn't replace engaging and responding!   A central key to Instagram is the active commenting and social interaction that takes place and a business should NOT think that a tool like this is the only thing they need to do.  This is best as a supplement and for planning out campaigns but the real key and success to Instagram is still the commenting and interactions.  It's about being social!

Uses for Instagram for Business are many

Here are some posts with ideas that I've shared before:

Do you manage multiple Instagram accounts and spend your time logging in and out?  Would you like the option to be able to schedule some images ahead of time?  

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Check out ScheduGram here >


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