
Custom or ready-to-use: Which CRM solution is better for your business?

If you have good relationships with your current and future clients, your business will prosper. Customer Relationship Management (CRM software) systems give you all the tools for building and maintaining effective communication channels with every single person that may be interested in your goods or services.

We have a wide choice of available CRM systems that can solve your business needs. There are reliable Seattle software companies that offer custom or ready-to-use products.

You can start using ready-to-use variants in a short time and get benefits right away. What such systems lack is a comprehensive approach to solving specific tasks. Here are the key drawbacks:

  • You have to pay for extra users or modules;
  • You need to have an IT team for making changes;
  • Not all CRM systems can be updated anyhow.

A high cost of a CRM software together with the sums on its maintenance may make its use of it inefficient for businesses. The cost may differ; it starts from $25 per user and exceeds $300. If you have over 500 people in your company or you plan to grow your business in the future, we recommend thinking of custom CRM software.

A custom CRM solution is a platform that is built from scratch to meet your business needs and goals. In most of the cases, a custom option is developed by a software company after a thorough analysis of the company workflow. You can choose outsourcing to Ukraine or Eastern Europe in this case.

Why should you choose a custom CRM? How can you benefit from using it? Here are five top reasons.

Custom CRM solves your needs

If you have a sales team that spends too much time on administrative tasks and on attempts to get some data about the client, a custom CRM will save your company. You may need to have a cloud-based solution that will be available from any device through an adaptive web interface.

You may also need an automated information collection and sorting about your current and potential customers. You may want to set the sales pipelines for several categories of customers. And you may also want to track the progress of every team player. What if you don’t need anything more?

In this case, it will be a simple SaaS CRM platform that won’t require any hardware in your office. It will be lightweight and with a user profile for each sales team member. All the deals will be tracked and all the data will be available in one place in real time.

Custom CRM looks attractive

Overall progress of the company depends on the satisfaction of your employees with their workflow. Building an attractive user interface with enough visual elements that represent complex data will make the work of your teams easier. There can be charts of sales growth or a chart for the number of leads within a specific period of time.

Visual attractiveness also comprises elements of the interface for entering data, generating reports, building sales pipelines, etc. You can imitate the look of a system that you are used to or create the one that will fully meet your needs and requirements. Good functionality with a nice design will lead to excellent user experience.

The bottom line

Think of the budget and what kind of goals you want to reach with the help of CRM software. If you want to get a platform to start using right away, it’s good to pick up a ready-to-use variant. If you have some time and you want to have a product that can be scaled in the future, a custom CRM is the best choice for you.

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