
How to Get ALL Notifications from a Facebook Page

Facebook Notifications Update May 2018

Facebook changed their interface, and the way Notifications work is a part of this change. Since the original post was written in 2013, there are now new methods and views on how to get Notifications that are updated here.

Note: Click here for other Social Media Updates, Facebook Page feature updates and Notices >

How to Get all Facebook Notifications 2018

On a Facebook Page you want to get Notifications from, click the "Follow" dropdown.

Select "See First" and be sure that NOTIFICATIONS is ON.  This is to get Notifications in your Facebook account.  To get Facebook Notifications in your email you need to take further steps.

How to Get all Facebook Notifications via Email 2018

First, go to the Settings dropdown on your Facebook account on desktop.

Click the arrow in top right, the select "Settings" as shown by the Log Out link.


Next in the left menu select "Notifications" and then select "Email" to address Facebook Email Notifications.

On the Facebook "Notifications" menu go to Email and then check the "All notifications, except the one you unsubscribe from".

That's the latest on how to get all Facebook Notifications from any Facebook Page and how to get them via email as well!

Below is the original post.

 The ability to become a fan of a brand on Facebook offers a great way to stay in touch with company happenings, new products, special sales alerts and more.

"Liking" a Business, makes you a fan but does not guarantee you see the posts the Page makes

"Liking" a Business, makes you a fan but does not guarantee you see the posts the Page makes


By "Liking" a page, you've chosen to become a fan so that you get information from the company and the posts they make in your own News Feed on Facebook, but the downside is that simply liking a page does not ensure that a fan is able to see all the brand Facebook posts.

In fact, the median reach of Facebook posts by a Page to a fan is 16%.  In plain typically see only 16% of the posts a brand makes on their Facebook Page!

Can this be overcome?  You want to see the posts of the company you have "Liked" and don't want to miss a post.  Does Facebook offer an option to get all the posts?

Facebook offers a solution for Pages to get "Notifications" from any Page.

Notifications alert a Facebook user every time a page makes a post, just like a user is alerted to a post on their wall or a comment a friend makes on their posts.  Notifications are a great way to stay in touch with all that a brand is posting.

How to Get Facebook Notifications of all Posts a Page Makes

How to Activate Facebook Notifications of all Posts a Page Makes

To Activate Notifications for a Page:

  1. Navigate to the Page on Facebook.
  2. "Like" the Page and continue hovering over the "Like" button
  3. When the drop down menu appears, select Get Notifications (see image above)

This will then activate notifications to you for that Page.

Viewing Notifications

Notifications alerts of a new post will appear in your Facebook Notification area.  A red square with the number of new notifications that you have not yet viewed appears at the top of your Facebook page in the web, mobile, or mobile app versions of Facebook.

Simply click on the Notification globe button to see a quick view of each and then click on one to view the full post.

Facebook Page Notifications

The Value of Notifications:

For any Facebook user the value of Facebook Notifications is the ability to ensure that you as a fan see and are informed of each post by a Facebook Page. This keeps you "in the know" about items, sales, and happenings from that company.  For businesses, the value of Notifications has many applications including:

  • By encouraging fans to activate notifications from your page, you help ensure they get your content and posts!
  • Notifications gives a brand the ability to follow competitors and see what they are sharing and doing.
  • As well, from an industry perspective a business can get notifications from the pages of leaders and influencers in their industry as a way to stay in touch with trends and new information.

Facebook notifications is a simple and useful tool for Facebook users to make sure they are alerted to news and items of interest from any fan page on Facebook.

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