
BombBomb for Video Email Marketing


BombBomb for Video Email Marketing

Video makes an impact.

YouTube receives over 1 billion different visitors every month and video is the hottest form of engaging audiences on Facebook today. Digital marketers, therefore, need to evaluate a marketing focus that includes video marketing in their online strategy. More than 60% of marketers use video within their marketing strategy. BombBomb is here to make your video marketing easy as a tool that allows you to send and track data on your recorded videos easily.

BombBomb for Video Email Marketing

Traditionally, emails are a good way to share text messages, and videos or images are delivered as attachments or through links. BombBomb allows you to send your email as a video, and you never have to worry about your video file being too large or taking too much time to attach. It uses a unique online video system which plays your video directly in the email.

Apart from sending bulk emails, BombBomb allows you to create email lists and drip campaigns. Targeted digital marketing can educate your customers by sending them recorded videos about your products and how they can use them.

Unlike when you are sending plain texts, your customers will be much more engaged the moment they see a smiling face in your video emails. Of those who have used BombBomb to send video emails, 81% receive more replies, 68% have converted more leads, and 56% get more referrals than text emails. What a great way for businesses to increase sales!

How to use BombBomb

BombBomb for Video Email Marketing

Start by recording a video

Recording beautiful videos with BombBomb is easy because you don't need anything but your Smartphone, tablet or webcam.  It doesn’t matter about the size, length or type of videos you record; BombBomb has no difficulty sending them.

BombBomb for Video Email Marketing

Send your video email

BombBomb offers a robust set of tools that gives you the ability to:

  • Track your video emails and know when they are being opened and played
  • Scheduled sending times for the emails
  • Send auto-responders with lead capturing forms
  • Upload your contacts directly to BombBomb and even segment your list.

When you get a new lead, you can send your pre-recorded video automatically and contact your lead immediately with a video.

Connect with your recipients

With BombBomb videos, there's no waiting for videos to load. They play with smart streaming plus you receive a real-time alert when your videos are opened and played. That way you'll know who to follow up with. You recipients don’t have to be BombBomb customers to reply, and they can reply using their Smartphone, webcam or tablet.

You can receive BombBomb’s great email video by simply signing up to subscribe. Individual monthly and annual subscriptions are available. With video being on the rise to use in marketing and the ease of creating videos made simpler with smartphones, BombBomb is a tool to consider! Your digital marketing will never be the same again!

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