
Benefits Of Digital Signage In Your Fitness Center

digital signage
Digital signage has exploded in recent years — and the power of those brightly colored screens hasn't been lost on smart business owners. Leaders and managers who understand the importance of effective communication that resonates with an audience are looking to digital signage to help them engage their customers and highlight their employees.

This is certainly true in the fitness arena. After all, gyms rely heavily on repeat business, loyal customers and employees who know how to make members feel safe and comfortable, whether they're avid fitness buffs or have never set foot inside a gym. Digital signage is offering a new way to engage with customers of all kinds. How is it changing the game for gyms? Let's take a look.

1. In-House Advertisements

Let's say you have a fitness facility that's large enough to have a cafe or smoothie bar. Don't you want to advertise your offerings to the people who are most likely to buy them? Your members already are working away on treadmills and ellipticals, watching their favorite TV shows. Instead of allowing advertisements of juicy, unhealthy burgers intrude, why not tout the delicious alternatives you offer in your own facility?

If you don’t provide food or drinks in your establishment, consider partnering with health-conscious businesses near your gym. You can generate ad revenue while creating relationships that can be mutually beneficial for all parties.

2. Promotion of Services

Maybe your customers don't know that you work with a local chiropractor who offers discounts to members of your gym. Perhaps they aren't aware that you offer beginner yoga classes to students who have never unrolled a mat.

Digital signage is a great way to promote your services. You can spread the word about new instructors, existing classes or referral discounts that can give existing members a break on their monthly dues. Undoubtedly, you're putting in a lot of effort to make your gym a positive environment. Showcase your offerings on digital signage boards that everyone can see. The more services your members partake in, the more likely they are to be loyal to your facility.

3. Member Success Stories

Many customers look to the gym for motivation. Maybe they're trying to lose weight, recover from a physical injury or build muscle mass. In any case, they’ll want reasons to continue their hard work. Digital signage is a great way to highlight the accomplishments of existing members and motivate people who might need a little extra help to achieve their goals.

Spotlight members who have accomplished their fitness goals. Be sure to follow members' progress from the very beginning so you can showcase their before-and-after transformations.

4. Revenue From Personal Trainer Services

Everyone can't afford a personal trainer or perhaps they're too shy to ask for hands-on assistance. That shouldn't prevent you from highlighting this important service.

With digital signage, you can display videos of your staff demonstrating the best uses and correct form for various machines and equipment. It's a great way to boost confidence in members who are not ready to ask for in-person assistance. This type of digital signage also enables you to introduce your staff, so members will feel more comfortable when they're ready to seek personal training.

To understand how the video displays impact your bottom line, be sure to note the revenue you pull in from personal trainer services before you begin your digital signage campaign and continue tracking metrics as you roll the advertisements out to members.

5. Education

Display fitness tips and nutritional advice to inform and inspire your clientele. If your gym employs professional nutritionists, use this opportunity to announce their services to members when they're at their most health-conscious. Digital signage also is a great place to give members a sneak preview of new workout classes, so they know what to expect before they sign up.

By educating your members, you'll show that you care about their health and wellness. This, in turn, facilitates goodwill and encourages them to continue on their fitness journeys.

6. Motivation

Interactivity is a huge benefit of digital signage. You can load a series of short videos into digital signage software that demonstrate various ways your members can get the most out of their workouts. The user can simply select the workout that suits their needs for a personalized fitness experience. Interactive digital signage also can track members' progress and workout results, which increases motivation. This information can be shared on social media, creating an advertising bonus for your business.

When it comes to communicating with your busy members, you need to employ messaging that's easy to absorb. With digital signage, you can quickly change your announcements, add new screens with little expense and keep everyone informed of all the great things you're doing at your gym. If you're interested in upping your membership, engaging with your members or touting the expertise of your employees, digital signage is the way to go!

Author Bio: Jessica Ellspermann is marketing manager at Enplug, a digital signage software
company.  After launching her career in the luxury hospitality space, Jessica knows the power of
content to business value, and uses that expertise to help companies grow engaged client

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