
AI Can Enhance Human Interaction in the Workplace

we'll outline how AI can enhance human interaction in the workplace.

Current trends in human resources are heavily centered on further workforce automation, especially with respect to using intelligent automation and other artificial intelligence to aid in everything from the recruitment process to discriminatory behavior reporting. Though you may visualize these trends issuing in a futuristic world where workers no longer speak to their managers but instead to bots, advancements in HR technology and deployment of solutions like Paypro have the potential to open up opportunities for more genuine and meaningful contact among humans in an organization.  Below, we'll outline how AI can enhance human interaction in the workplace.

Applications of AI Technologies in HR

About half of the workers in the United States already use some type of AI at their place of employment, and more and more companies are deploying Virtual Employee Assistants to help optimize employee activity and add uniformity to routine duties such as schedule management and other logistics. VEAs also have promising applications in helping employees find answers more quickly as they problem solve and work through more complex operational tasks. Intelligent automation also brings enhancements to employee onboarding and ongoing training, allowing it to be more personalized as well as accessible at the point of execution. Further, the inherent anonymity bots provide helps make reporting of sensitive issues such as sexual harassment or discriminatory behavior more accessible to all employees.

Human Interaction Enhancement

Common sense may suggest that more bot usage reduces interactions among human beings within an organization, and that may be true with respect to the sheer number of interactions or duration of time spent together. However, there is true potential for the quality of human interactions to increase significantly in line with the increase in bot usage and other intelligent automation of employee enablement.  It is shown that AI can enhance human interaction in the workplace.

Much of the time employees get to spend with their peers, managers and even human resource personnel is task-related. Peers must converge to access tribal information not available in enterprise information systems. Teams and managers must review task status or troubleshoot on the fly. Human resources must complete evaluation tasks and review pertinent benefit information. Imagine, however, an environment in which low-level task, operations and logistics assistance was received from intelligent bots, allowing time spent with peers, managers and human resources to be dedicated to higher-level tasks and pursuits such as sharing visions, brainstorming tactics and mapping out professional growth opportunities.

Role of Ethics

Regardless of the possible benefits of increased usage of AI within the workforce, companies who wish to behave in ethical and responsible manners much put a focus on transparency in the use of AI in order to retain and increase employee trust and loyalty. Employees need to understand when they are interacting with a bot versus a live person, and they should be informed when their interactions, such as video interviews or recorded meetings, will be analyzed with artificial intelligence. Irresponsible use of such technology can act to lessen employee trust in their companies and wipe out any gains from enhanced human interaction.

Workplaces change and grow every day, and the incredible pace of technological enhancements drive change faster and faster each year. Strategic yet ethical and responsible use of new technologies has great potential to optimize employee work while enhancing the relationship between employees and their peers and managers.  It's a definite "yes" AI can enhance human interaction in the workplace.

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