
7 Frequently Asked Questions About Pay Per Call

Frequently Asked Questions About Pay Per Call

Pay-per-call affiliate marketing is a good source of earning opportunities for publishers. In this platform, the advertiser who provides services pays the publishers who do marketing to reach authentic customers looking for a specific product or service.

As affiliate marketing is one of the best platforms for publishers, you also can take this opportunity if you have enough knowledge about this system. To give you a crystal clear idea regarding this marketing we’ve arranged the top 7 frequent questions about pay-per-call.

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Pay Per Call

If you are an entrepreneur or are starting your own business, you can have a look on the Doppcall from where you can pick up prospective customers who need your services or product.

Whether you are an advertiser or publisher, the success of your business depends on the performance and final goal with the prospective customers. So, you should be more advanced with pay-per-call services. 

You may know a vice versa about Pay-Per-Call marketing or more enough. But before we discuss anything about questions of Pay-Per-Call marketing, let me give you a clear idea in the first question. Go through consecutive questions to know more.

1. What Is Pay-Per-Call Marketing? 

Actually, Pay-per-call marketing reflects the bondings between a pay-per-call publisher and advertiser as well as call-based campaigns which generate leads. The first step of this marketing idea is PPC ( Pay-Per-Call) campaigns. These campaigns are set up by the publisher on the websites which include phone numbers that relate to a specific service or product.

If any customer calls, that call then routes to the advertiser who is working towards providing said services or product. This person will finally close the deal. Whenever a lead qualifies and results in a successful sale, the pay-per-call publisher often gets a commission. This commission is for their endeavor regarding that campaign.

Simply saying, PPC marketing is a process where an advertiser pays the publisher who routes a customer’s call to the advertiser for making a successful sale.

2. What Is A Pay-Per-Call Lead?

A PPC lead or pay-per-call lead is someone whose contact details or information has been taken as a result of a PPC marketing campaign. To the PPC lead, the goal will be generated by those who are interested to provide a service or produce.  In affiliate marketing fields, the publishers earn a commission on the number of leads. These lead numbers were generated and sold to the advertisers who are buying these leads.

3. How To Start? 

Almost all advertisers and publishers should have a firm understanding before you start pay-per-call marketing. For this purpose as a publisher, you should start a marketing campaign that is a first and foremost need. 

The innovative DOPPCALL can also be supportive for your PPCall marketing as they help develop your business without extra cost. Moreover, an affiliate network follows some criteria.  

If you want to have a more clear concept of pay-per-call marketing, go through the steps to understand this marketing procedure perfectly.

  • Step 1: Properly understand the necessity of the product and service that you are going to deal with. This is one of the best ways to reach the target market when starting.
  • Step 2: Then try to make a connection with others in your space. Affiliate networks connect businesses required by the customers with publishers. The customers are your main target who need help to generate leads.
  • Step 3: If you are a solo entrepreneur who is going to approach this process and are experiencing a high volume of leads, it’s a good idea to use software. The software can help you to manage specific call leads. If you invest in this it could be a great value for your investment.

You may get many call tracking platforms or software which will help you to successfully manage your business or track calls. You can include small details about advertising services while routing calls and caller tracking purposely to optimize your PPC campaign.

4. Are The Phone Calls Filtered Depending On Specific Criteria?

Obviously, the typical campaign program requirements add- area code or geolocation, minimum call duration, demographic profile, etc. Such as call tracking software like Ringba, you can filter and route your call flow by any metric you may require.

5. How Is Pay Per Call Advertising Different From Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Previously the traditional pay-per-call advertising drove web traffic to websites and landing pages. However, pay-per-call advertising is now popular for buying prospective calls from potential customers.

6. How Do I Promote Pay-Per-Call And What Are The Verticals?

You can promote your pay-per-call marketing for making money with phone leads. Thus, you can promote on Facebook, Local search engine optimization, Youtube, Linkedin, Yellow pages, and so on. According to the caller's nature and intention, the vertices are time-sensitive and can perform well.

Mostly the local campaigns are like;

  • Health- Fitness, personal trainer, and Dentists
  • Home Services- Cleaner, Maid, Emergency Plumber
  • Auto- Tow truck, Windshield repair, Locksmith
  • Legal Services- Bail Bonds, Lawyer consultation

But for the national per-per-call campaigns you may find other services such as;

  • Entertainment- Psychic Hotlines, Love
  • Insurance- Auto, Life, Home
  • Financial- Tax Services, Mortgage or personal loans
  • Travel- Destination Entertainment, Hotel, and Car Rental

Actually, the opportunities for pay-per-call are endless. If a person books for service over the phone they have many offers available in the specific network system.

7. What Are The Affiliate Programs And Networks?


If you are interested in the pay-per-call affiliate programs you should know about the best affiliate programs and networks of pay-per-call. Here we’ve enlisted some programs and networks' names for your concern.

1. National Debt Relief Affiliate Program

This affiliate program has helped more than thousands of people who were unsecured with debts. They offer the consumers the lowest cost ways beyond their credit card.

2. Service Direct Pay Per Call Network

This pay-per-lead and the pay-per-call affiliate program provide direct service. They directly deal with more than thousands of lead buyers who are across dozens of industries.

3. Astoria Company Pay Per Call Network

This affiliate company has been formed by industry experts who build and help genuine customers and prompt them to make their brand more trustworthy.

4. Lead Smart Pay Per Call Network

This network company provides its affiliate with more than 100 services. They provide their services and products to clients on a pay-per-call basis.

5. Market call Pay Per Call Network

This affiliate network has been started with in-house call tracking technology. It started working from Russia in 2015 and then expanded its services to the USA.

6. eFax Affiliate Program

This affiliate network program is high-converting marketing resources. It pays out for eFax leads and sales.


Pay-per-call is one of the best affiliate marketing to provide services to consumers who need help or consultation with experts to have solving ideas for their problems. It’s a good way to earn through affiliate marketing. The advertiser needs to reach more customers to let them know about the services or product. But it may not be possible for them to reach the prospective customers that’s why they pay the publishers for routing authentic calls for final sales. Before you apply for pay-per-call affiliate marketing find more ideas by reading through FAQs to have a better conception of this network program. This ensures you have answers to your questions about pay-per-call marketing before you sign a contract.

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