
Top Six Disruptive Marketing Trends for 2020 Every Business Owner Should Be Aware Of

Top Six Disruptive Marketing Trends for 2020 Every Business Owner Should Be Aware Of

If you use the same marketing strategies for your business year in, year out, you will soon discover they are not working as well as they once did. By keeping abreast of the latest disruptive marketing trends, you can take the right actions to adapt your marketing approach. Here is a look at the top six disruptive marketing trends for 2020 that you need to be aware of.

User-generated Content

2020 will likely see user-generated content, like blog posts and social media content, surpass branded content, so this is one disruptive marketing trend that every business owner needs to be aware of. There will be a significant need for brands to provide a more positive impact on the minds of their consumers. If you want to know how to grow your business among this disruptive trend, use marketing strategies like Search Engine Optimization, optimizing social media pages, and teaming up with other companies to refer customers to one another. Email automation is also an indispensable marketing strategy you can use to get the right message to the right consumer at the right time. Another way your business can buck the user-generated content trend is to co-create online content with consumers and influencers. Above all, you need to make your online content more engaging if you want to drive traffic and create conversions. When it comes to blog posts and other text content, it is a good idea to hire a professional copywriter. By employing a copywriting expert, you can be sure you will have engaging content that will keep visitors glued to your sites.

 Social Networks

Social networks have the potential to become the only marketing platform worth investing your time and money in. There are economic, social, and interest graphs that show the platforms in which unique commonalities connect people, so studying such charts can allow your business to stay ahead of the game. Once you have researched which social networks contain your target audiences, you can adapt your marketing strategies accordingly. Consider marketing on well-known social network platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Instagram. The latter currently spearheads much online activity, and its shelf life does not look like it will be up any time soon. Instagram has become a powerful marketing platform for businesses. So, by using Instagram influencers to market your product or service, and placing paid ads on the platform, you can avoid getting caught up in disruptive trends.

Mobile Platforms

The dominant platform in 2020 will be mobile. Intelligent devices like tablets and smartphones will become more used, and other mobile devices like glasses, microchips, HoloLens, and other wearable gadgets will reshape the marketing world. Your business needs to be ready for this change if you do not want your marketing strategies to fade into insignificance. As marketing trends shift towards smart devices, marketers need to strike up a more personalized relationship with their customers. Do that more quickly than your competitors, and you will become a market leader in this category.

Transparency and Social Responsibility

Consumers are expecting more transparency from businesses all the time. That looks set to increase in 2020. Customers will become much more attracted to engaging with companies that are open, authentic, and admit their mistakes. The social responsibility of companies is another factor that consumers are becoming more interested in. Make social responsibility and transparency vital elements of your marketing strategies, and you will form stronger connections with your customers. 

Generation Z

The post-millennial generation, known as Generation Z, will be even more demanding than its predecessors, in 2020 and the following years. So, every business needs to be aware of this massively disrupting marketing trend. Merely updating your old marketing strategies will not be enough, as Generation Z will demand businesses are in the game for things other than profits. If you think revenue is the only sign of success, you will soon find you are behind the times. Capitalism is about to become reshaped. Forecasters project there will be a massive shift by the year 2023, in which companies created by millennials like Facebook and Snapchat will have to change their strategies entirely to survive. 


 Most disruptive marketing trends in 2020 will surround products more than services. So, if your company sells tangible products rather than services, you need to be aware of this trend. Product businesses thrive on innovation, which means there is always a need to improve products for the future. If you want to continue selling your products for years to come, customer satisfaction and retention will not be enough. If you want your company to avoid this disruptive market trend, you need to continually create innovative products and solutions that will be valued by customers.

Another trend to consider is the emerging bulk sms text message marketing area.  People read texts and tools like Jook SMS now enable business to create powerful marketing messages and track results.

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