
Links to the: Leadership Book and Journal

Game Plan.

Game Plan bookYes, you need a game plan to succeed with social media for your business!

Common errors for a business trying to use social media for their business often times include: Sporadic and irregular social media use, or too much focus on pushing "buy now" in social posts that ultimately turns people off. As well, not understanding how social media marketing has changed and what works now is a major downfall for many businesses not succeeding with social media today.

The sweet spot is a current game plan!

Just like my Halftime Mike podcast where I weave in some basketball analogies while keeping the input practical and strategic, this book truly is a game plan for using social media well to grow leads for your business.

Leads are the lifeblood of business and social media is a powerhouse opportunity that is here to stay and one that businesses must learn. In this book, I'll help you develop a plan for your business!

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Some Game Plan Chapter Titles & Focus Points from the book:

  • Why You Need a Game Plan
  • The Game Plan Overview
  • Attracting the Right Audience
  • Top of the Funnel Engagement Keys
  • Lead Capture Tactics
  • Nurturing Leads
  • Targeting Sales Conversions
  • Measuring and Optimizing
  • Innovations for the Win

It's all there in this book to help a business owner or business marketing manager setup a cohesive strategy that can work. Included is a special "innovation" chapter with details on Facebook Video, Facebook Live, and more!

Some sneak peeks:

The unveiling of Game Plan for Social Media Lead Generation (click to see video)

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