
Your Facebook Page is Blah! 5 Cures for the Facebook Page Blues

So you’ve set up a Facebook business page because you’ve heard that it’s a "must have" in today's social business climate. After all, with over 1 billion regular users it’s a no brainer to be on Facebook, right? But your plan has hit a snag…Searching for fans

Where IS everyone?

Yes, Facebook is the largest social network in the mainstream world. Users spend more time on Facebook than on any other site per month. However, the "if you build it, they will come" mentality is not accurate! It’s not enough to ‘have a Facebook Page’, and to establish a quality Facebook brand presence requires "ongoing building."

There is not a stop point where you are "done."

Here's 5 things every company should be doing on their Facebook Page to help overcome the Facebook Blues!


‘What’s In It For Them?’

Before you post, ask this update:

  • Entertaining?
  • Enlightening or inspiring?
  • Useful or educational?

Users are on Facebook first and foremost to hangout and catch up with friends news. Yes, they have Liked your Page but you need to "catch their eye" to get them to pay attention to you! They are interested in what their friend sally just posted about their vacation to Florida and you've got to rise above that to attract her to your page! So be sure to go through this simple series of questions when creating your post. It must capture their attention.

Be Human!2. BE HUMAN!

It's a social network dude! Don't be stuffy, "salesy", and business formal. Your brand needs a personality. Be real and personable in your posts. People love tips and helpful information. Give them useful nuggets and timely information via posts on the company page news feed.

Do NOT broadcast tweets from Twitter to your page or push out sales speak 5x a day. People will leave.

Be sure to engage users, and one way to do this is by asking questions when posting. Once fans respond, keep them talking by asking related types of questions to drive conversation deeper.

The more they engage, the better your Facebook Page reach extends going forward with that fan. The key is to ask for input in your posts and listen!

TIP: If you post a news source that everyone else is posting, personalize your message and deliver it differently. Add your own take and insight on the third-party article and post with your own image!


Watch your Page for comments, and answer posts fans make! The fastest way to have a fan ignore you is for them to post and be ignored by you! There is simply no reason for not responding in a timely manner to posts and comments. There are all sorts of monitoring tools and 3rd party tools to alert you to comments and messages on our fan page. Use these and respond! The more timely your response, the more fans will comment and return in the future!

Care = Loyalty.

A study by Indianapolis digital firm ExactTarget identified that the average response time by a Page Admin to a comment was 7 hours, and that 51% of the time another fan jumped in to respond faster than the brand. Do not let this happen to you. Respond to comments and Like's on your Page in a timely manner.

Acknowledging the individual is a way to connect with them.



We've all heard the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? On Facebook, a picture is worth much more than that! Images are the #1 driver of engagement on a Page since Timeline launched.

Images drive engagement more than links (which are the most used format of a post), more than video, and more than text only status updates. According to an internal Facebook study, "posts including a photo album or picture can generate 2X more engagement than other post types." Images, both on a PC and on mobile, now show prominently in a Facebook Users News Feed.

So take your content and learn to express it visually in images you post on Facebook!


Friend Share Deal Reveal


Use custom tabs on your Facebook Page to offer something of value to your fans! People love deals! Plus, promotions like Contests draw in entrants and voters to see what's going on so use promos to boost "page attraction!"

For instance, deal and coupon offers invite users to come to a Page to check out the offer. Apps like Pin Deal and Friend Share Deal Reveal then add a viral element where a fan must pin to Pinterest or share on Facebook to get access to the deal. So you have attracted fans, given them a simple task to accomplish that spreads the offer to their network, and gives them a deal all in a matter of seconds!

Custom tabs that offer engagement and social sharing tools such as Contests, Sweepstakes, and Coupons can be a big booster of fan engagement, return fan activity, and extending reach for your Page. In short, promotions can drive interest and drive away the page blahs!

In fact, according to a RocketMedia infographic, 40% of Facebook Page fans say they “Like” a Business on Facebook in order to get promotions and discounts. So use them!



Blahs are bad. Inspiring interest, interaction, and engagement is good!

Simply building a fan page is not enough. On a social network like Facebook, being "social" is critical and this means ongoing content!

You are only as engaging as your last post!

Keeping the 5 items noted in mind is important in getting past the blahs and seeking to engage and build a active community on Facebook.

An active community is crucial to page success. It helps build your brand awareness, audience, and interest. Social marketing involves time and effort. When done well, it can ultimately pay great dividends not just in being attractive but in new customer acquisition and customer loyalty.

What point stands out to you the most as something you need to implement? Please share!

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