
Understanding the Rapid Application Development Model

Understanding the Rapid Application Development Model

Rapid application development, or RAD, is a software development method that emphasizes the planning and prototype stage to get quick feedback from users. In comparison to more conventional methods of software development, which include preliminary design and subsequent implementation, RAD emphasizes more flexibility. Constant rounds of user input and rapid incremental improvements assist in obtaining better results at the end of the day.

In the 1990s, James Martin defined rapid application development as an alternative to conventional waterfall procedures. The traditional waterfall method is an excellent solution for the construction industry and many other fields where modifications to the scope of work are uncommon and costly. It is quite improbable that you would switch to building a ferry midway through constructing a bridge if you had already started construction on the bridge.

The advancement of software allows for a greater degree of adaptability. A broader range of approaches may be used to tackle the same business difficulty, and modifications can be made at a lower cost. Consequently, companies sacrifice precise design and planning in favor of an iterative process using trial and error. In addition, when consumers observe an improvement, they are more likely to give constructive criticism.

Is Rapid Application Development The Right Approach For My Project?

As we have explained before, RAD does not operate in inflexible contexts. It does not apply in the following situations:

  • It is necessary to have prior knowledge of both the financial constraints and the timetables.
  • Either you do not have consistent access to the users, or they are not motivated to devote their time and effort to the project.
  • Because of its scope, the project calls for the participation of a sizable number of people, often known as stakeholders.

These restrictions often apply to huge businesses and organizations the government runs. On the other hand, some aspects of the rapid application development process apply even in these situations. For instance, projects with a set price might allocate funds for the prototype stage and a certain number of revisions. If you have the appropriate users on board, you may be able to restrict the scope of the prototype to the portions that are the most unclear.

On the other hand, a rapid application development framework performs very well for small and medium organizations and departmental projects. This is as long as the business users own the money and have the drive to achieve the outcome. This is a prime illustration of the many Line-of-Business (LOB) apps. A generic phrase refers to software programs that automate and operate certain aspects of a company more effectively.

Similarly, RAD is an approach that is effective while developing websites. These are often modest projects with a limited group of stakeholders, yet it is essential to include them early on since design is a highly controversial topic, and everyone will have something to say about it!

Phases And Methodology

The time-consuming planning stage is replaced with the less expensive prototype phase under the rapid application development approach. Specifically, the RAD model suggests the separation of the process into the following four stages:

Requirements Planning

The users and the project team will work together during this phase to determine the goals of the future system. The success of the firm is the primary concern. The standards are not very stringent. The capacity to modify or adapt them while the prototype is still being developed is essential.

User Design

The fast application development technique is differentiated from the traditional waterfall model by emphasizing user design as a fundamental component of the process. In this stage, the first thing the developers do is work on a prototype. The objective is to quickly and affordably show something to the customer, whatever needs to be demonstrated. It is not a deal breaker if the prototype can only satisfy some of the criteria or can only handle a subset of the possible situations. It is allowed to take shortcuts when it comes to coding.

After the prototype has been completed, it is shown to the users for feedback. The team gathers as much input as possible, and at this stage, the essential criteria are susceptible to unavoidable modifications. Something that made sense when written down could take on a different appearance when it's put into practice. When developers have this input, they return to the prototype process and continue doing so until consumers are pleased with the end outcome.


At this point, we are fully aware of the requirements that must be met. It is time to complete the system's development and testing in order to get it ready for usage in production. There will be no more shortcuts; instead, the emphasis will be placed on quality, scalability, maintainability, and other factors. However, even at this late point, consumers continue to interact by offering comments when new features are introduced. At this point in the iterative process of developing a quick application, there is still room for further fine-tuning.

Depending on the tool we end up using and the other factors involved, the work we have done up to this point in the prototyping process could not even be usable.


This is the last step, which includes user training, acceptability testing, and implementation of the new system.

Rapid Application Development Vs. Agile

The name "RAD" was coined ten years before the Agile development methodology, and due to its iterative methodology, RAD is sometimes referred to be a "parent" of Agile. On the other hand, this is not the situation. Agile is a philosophical viewpoint that encompasses much more than just software development, in contrast to RAD, which is a prescriptive development technique.

It is safe to assume that Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a member of the same family as other agile software development approaches, such as Scrum, Kanban, and many more.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rapid Application Development

The focus moves away from predictability and toward adaptability due to RAD, which has both good and bad implications.


Reduced Expenses and Dangers

Users can only view the outcomes of the method and offer comments once the project has been delivered to them. The unavoidable adjustments that need to be made at this point are both times- and money-intensive. The chance of having to rewrite half of the solution after it has been implemented is significantly reduced when using the rapid application development process.

Superior in Quality

The final program will probably better apply to the users' activities if they actively participate in the prototyping process. Moreover, regardless of the outcome, it will live up to their expectations.


Poor design

When pursuing particular business needs and taking shortcuts during the prototype stage, you may find yourself going too far. Thereby, resulting in a poor design and overall solution.

Inability to scale up effectively

The RAD paradigm presupposes that the team and the end users collaborate in highly close conjunction. The prototype process will always move at a glacial pace once either the team is too large or there are an excessive number of stakeholders. Additionally, it becomes challenging to explain frequent changes in the project scope to all parties. Therefore, RAD is thought to function best for groups of medium or small size.

Commitment from customers on the back end

The rapid application development technique anticipates a substantial amount of user input throughout the project's lifetime. According to the reports, this is particularly true for the most qualified professionals in the industry, who also happen to be the busiest individuals in the organization.

Inability to exert control

Before the prototype stage of the project is through, it is not feasible to accurately forecast the project's scope, budget, or timeline for apparent reasons. However, depending on the findings of the requirements planning process, you will still be able to establish some general expectations.

development team

Tools for Rapid Application Development (RAD)

The application of the RAD approach relies mainly on rapid prototyping and tight cooperation. Hence, selecting the appropriate tools to assist these endeavors is of the utmost importance. To our good fortune, there is a vast selection from which to choose.

Design and Prototyping

Rapid application development technologies like Figma and InVision make it possible for visual designers and UX professionals to rapidly build together and share clickable prototypes with end users. These have a complete design so developers can gather user input. As soon as one of the iterations of the prototype is given the green light, they can export the project into formats for reuse by front-end developers. Thus, marking its transition into the Construction phase. Although the creation of websites is by far the most common use of these tools, prototyping the user experience of more complicated end-user apps or portals is another use.

Business analysts use other applications, like Balsamiq, far more often. They are concentrating on creating a prototype of the user experience using wireframes. Then, they implement the final design later. These are excellent options for preliminary modeling more extensive systems that include intricate user interaction.


The development phase of establishing an application often consumes the most time, is the most costly, and is fraught with the most significant uncertainty. Therefore, current platforms for rapid application development integrate tested architectures. These are ready components that implement standard functionality, and tools that make rapid development easier. Every one of them makes it easier for you to provide results more quickly. Whether you are in the prototyping phase of the project or farther along in the construction phase.

Consulting companies like Gartner and Forrester are constantly developing new nomenclature to differentiate each of these platforms. Often including the following: Low-Code/No-Code Application Platforms (LCAP), High Productivity Application Platforms as a Service (HPAPaaS), and Multi-Experience Development Platforms. These are all examples of different types of application platforms (MXDP) you can use. However, in the end, each one of them may be categorized according to their intended readership.

Low Code/No Code Platforms

The fundamental concept behind these platforms is to make it possible for business users with no coding expertise (also known as power users or citizen developers) to provide functional applications rapidly. This simplicity, of course, comes with a lack of flexibility and various restrictions. In a recent piece, I discuss these limits and their hazards. Consequently, the target market for such platforms consists of either prototyping or elementary solutions. 

Developer-Focused Platforms

These platforms capitalize on the swiftness and excitement of software development. Primarily via the provision of higher-level APIs and code production. Therefore, programmers no longer need to repeatedly write boilerplate code and implement standard functionality.

Embarcadero RAD Studio, formerly Borland Delphi, is one of the industry's pioneers. They are well-known for their visual user interface design. Borland Delphi was its last name. It was around before the advent of the web and can still be used for apps on desktop computers and mobile devices.

The web is the primary target of the other rapid application development frameworks. Because it is the most common method for communicating with end consumers in the modern day. For instance, here at Jmix, we make an effort to combine the ease and swiftness of visual data models and interface design with the efficacy of today's open-source technology. This strategy increases the pace at which you create prototypes. However, it also gives you the ability to develop your prototype into a full corporate application that has a structure that is both stable and scalable.


One of the development approaches that adhere to the agile mindset is rapid application development (RAD). The active participation of end users and the development of rapid, iterative prototypes using input from those users are two core tenets of the RAD methodology. After ensuring the satisfaction of the end users, attention next turns to the supply of suitable software for production.

Selecting the appropriate tool(s) is essential to ensure rapid prototyping. As a result, the effective use of RAD methodology within a given project. The good news is that there is a diverse selection of tools and platforms to use. These cater to various kinds of applications, phases of a project, and skill sets for teams.

Even though RAD is an old idea, it is now going through a revival. This is a direct result of the current digital transformation trends and the drive towards quicker time to market. When used for the appropriate kinds of projects and with the proper kinds of teams, the RAD approach may achieve more customer satisfaction with fewer risks and in shorter amounts of time.

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