
Top 5 Copywriting Secrets that Attract Quality Tenants for Rental Properties

real estate listing

Attract potential renters by improving the copywriting for rental ads with key copywriting secrets. Real estate investments get so much positive PR for being a reliable source of passive income. However, that only happens when your apartments are filled. Empty rental properties don’t earn income while requiring maintenance like utilities, taxes, and HOA fees. 

That's why landlords looking to grow their businesses always search for the next excellent real estate marketing idea. And one of the critical tips advertising experts keep coming back to is a fantastic copy. In a world with so much information constantly competing for our screen time, well-written content always reigns supreme. Do you want to attract potential renters without spending money on remodeling? Would you like to know how to capture your audience's attention? Here are the top 5 copywriting secrets that attract quality tenants for rental properties: 

Top 5 Copywriting Secrets that Attract Quality Tenants for Rental Properties

1. Use a Specific Call to Action

One of the easiest ways to attract quality tenants is to add a clear call to action to your listing's copywriting. CTAs, as they're known in the marketing world, give your audience a clear direction to take if they'd like to learn more about your house. Your call to action could be as simple as calling your number, sending an email, or following a link to select a time and date for a physical house viewing. Businesses that encourage readers to take action to boost their engagements, which helps them reach a wider audience.  

2. Sell Your Perks

While a single-family house in Jacksonville could make for an apt description, it gives your audience little information about the place. Many tenants have multiple options to consider during an online house search, and listings with more details appear more trustworthy. It also gives renters a better picture of things they can't see. An example of a good listing that leverages the apartment's perks would be:  "A two-bedroom with picturesque views of Bellview park on Mountain Avenue, Jacksonville. Comes with ensuite laundry and free parking.” 

3. Write to Your Audience

real estate copywriting

Selling your perks will garner attention, and keeping your target audience in mind will give you more results. While the ideal when advertising a vacancy is to lease it out to a responsible tenant, you also have to be realistic. Savvy landlords know what type of people are more likely to find their units attractive. For example, areas close to schools tend to get more parents with school-age children looking for closer commutes for their kids. Likewise, college students tend to gravitate towards apartments closer to their universities and travelers to tourist attractions. Include what makes your apartment ideal for these people, and they'll follow up with questions about your rental. Hire an expert property manager to ensure inquiries for your rental investment are taken care of promptly. 

4. Make Your Listings Compelling

Always strive to create a compelling listing with copywriting that captures your audience's attention. Remember that while giving more information about your rentals can draw people in, you can just as quickly lose them by going overboard. You must strike a balance between both extremes to ensure your listings are concise yet descriptive enough to compete in a challenging market. 

5. Look into SEO

Sometimes landlords get caught up in using fancy words to describe their properties; they often forget to use the 'right' words. Tapping into the power of SEO writing is one of the copywriting secrets that can help your compelling listings reach an even wider audience. Real estate copy with targeted words is more likely to appear in user search terms and drive more traffic your way.  

Important Details to Include on your Rental Ads Copy

  • Description

As we highlighted in the previous section, a detailed and compelling description in the copy can increase your listings' engagement. You don't need to go into bland details about the physical features of the building unless they're relevant to your audience. Instead, you can focus on the walkability score, how modern the kitchen is, and how many bathrooms are in the house. 

  • Pricing

You don't have to give away your exact price, but you should give potential tenants a ballpark amount. If you're confident that you're charging a fair market price, there's no reason to hide how much you expect in return for your investment.

  • Location

Adding your location to the copy is another of the copywriting secrets to getting more leads. Many people include locations in their search descriptions, and any rental ad without one might as well be dead in the water. However, some landlords are apprehensive about sharing the exact location of their rental properties, but you can still narrow it down to the neighborhood. That way, tenants can better understand the area, what the commute is like, and which businesses are close. 


You need excellent copywriting, whether focusing solely on written ads or leveraging video marketing to fill your vacancies. With these top 5 copywriting secrets that attract quality tenants for rental properties, you should be able to ward off vacancies in no time. 

Call a professional if you need some help putting these copywriting secrets into practice. Expert property management companies offer services like leasing and tenant screening. In other words, these professionals can take the burden of creating copy that sells off your shoulder while you focus on other landlord duties. 

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