
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Corporate Culture in 2023

Over the last few years, we witnessed how some aspects of life changed – and some of them are forever. The pandemic forced professionals to work in environments and ways they hadn't before, which facilitated the rise of a new corporate culture where employees have different expectations around their jobs and what they want from their employers. A survey from McKinsey reveals that 58% of Americans work at least part of their time remotely. Among them, 87% choose to work from home because they enjoy the benefits more. But it's not just remote work; several other corporate culture changes have surfaced over the last few years. New work culture trends emerged, and companies must adopt them to stick around.

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Corporate Culture in 2023

What is work culture?

The term work culture is used to refer to the experience and atmosphere in a workspace as impacted by the behaviors and attitudes of the employees. Some also call it corporate or company culture, and there are several types. Individual life experiences could affect corporate culture, although it shouldn't be a primary factor. However, the beliefs and values of individuals in key positions like management could significantly impact the elements that define company culture.

A company's workforce's general values, behaviors, assumptions, and attitudes should be easily noticeable to everyone visiting the headquarters. Work culture surrounds employees with different types of communication like meetings, newsletters, and training sessions. Even how employees organize their desks can show how they view the corporate culture and participate in it.

What is employee-first culture?

An employee-first culture encourages workers to share their thoughts because they feel respected, know their voice is heard, identify growth opportunities, have a fair work-life balance, are treated fairly, and feel valued for expressing their concerns. An employee-first culture prioritizes its workforce.

How company culture is changing

Successful companies focus on improving work culture on an ongoing basis. However, often this task is challenging because not all entrepreneurs have the necessary resources to do it. Furthermore, industry changes could also hinder them from connecting with young talent. A business must develop a healthy corporate culture to avoid spending resources on projects that have little impact on their workforce's experience. A report from 2020 provides insights into why company culture is essential for all businesses. Companies make a common mistake, they develop programs that focus on milestones, and their employees must wait until they can have a meaningful interaction with the management. Research shows that a positive daily work experience is more important for employees than reaching particular milestones. Hence employers should take advantage of people's tendency to improve their daily lives and provide them with valuable interactions with their leaders.

How to improve company culture

Some organizations struggle to create, maintain, and improve corporate culture. If you want your business to develop a strong culture that encourages employee retention, here are some strategies that might help you.

Offer flexible hours

Even before the pandemic, workers asked employers for flexible hours. Statistics show that over 60% of people who had a high level of control over their work schedule reported an increased degree of job satisfaction. Why do people find flexible work hours as a major perk? They want to establish a work-life balance and choose when they see it more suitable to their lifestyle to work. Also, different people are more productive at different times of the day, and not being forced to follow a strict schedule allows them to perform better.

Provide regular training and coaching

Another great way to motivate employees to improve their performance is to provide them with regular coaching and training. You can collaborate with CMI Speakers to organize periodic sessions when they clear direction for your employees and show them innovative ways to boost their skills and gain new capabilities. Training and coaching are powerful ways to provide guidance to employees and facilitate their success.

Employees want more than a paycheck; they want to feel like they're making a difference in your company. By offering them leadership development opportunities, you take an active role in building a healthy corporate culture.

Give them the necessary resources to succeed

Your workforce is happy when it can easily access the necessary tools to complete their tasks. Some easy ways to help your team succeed are:

  • Give clear tasks and feedback. Your employees should understand clearly what you expect of them and how they should deliver work. Offer regular feedback so they can improve their skills and adapt their approach on the way.
  • Provide training for each position. Some workers might need more training than others, and as they advance in their careers and have new roles, you provide additional training.

Implement hybrid or remote work

The pandemic has brought a significant change in the work environment: the rise of remote work. Studies show that 90% of people were as productive when working remotely as they've been at the office, and 80% of them prefer to work from home for at least part of their time.

Hybrid and remote work offers several benefits. For example, your employees will be more productive, you'll have lower overhead costs, and you can access a wider talent pool because you face no geographical constraints. Your workers are satisfied with their job because they no longer spend time and money on commuting and can choose when they prefer to work. Depending on your industry, you can decide if hybrid or remote work is feasible long term.

Recognize your top talent

A performance-based culture goes hand in hand with a healthy corporate culture. Therefore, you should clearly define your goals and objectives for all employees to ensure they know exactly what is expected from them. Make the performance aspect transparent so your workers can take pride in their results and hold them accountable using data.

Let's summarize

Building a healthy corporate culture is crucial because it transforms your business into a place where people love to work.

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