
Social ROI: How One Business Gained 414k in new business via Social and Digital Marketing

Do you want to increase your ROI on your social media and digital marketing efforts?  Would $414,000 in new business tracked back to your efforts in these areas be a positive?

I dive into a client case study in this Halftime Mike podcast interview with Amanda Brazel!

More About This Podcast Show

The Halftime Mike podcast is a show designed to help busy owners and marketers learn doable ways to grow leads and leverage online.

In this episode, I dove into the methods and learning's that Amanda Brazel used with a client to see amazing results!

Amanda helps businesses by leveraging social media as part of their marketing strategies. In 2013 alone, she helped one client generate $414,000.00 in new business! You’ll learn how to include various types of social and digital marketing strategies, using the full potential of social media sites to generate new businesses and gain ROI.

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What Did We Cover?

  • The business situation of Amanda’s client before she included social media marketing into their strategy
  • Providing content for the end consumer through blog writing instead of targeting her fellow colleagues and referrers
  • Use of a video marketing strategy via YouTube, including using call-to-actions to encourage users to do something after watching the videos
  • Posting content to LinkedIn to boost authority in a certain niche and engaging with the audience
  • Using motivational and inspirational posts when engaging with your audience in Facebook
  • Examples of the strategies that worked very well and the strategies that didn’t work well
  • Implementation breakdown: The parts where they collaborated and those that Amanda’s team did solely
  • The turning point where they included Twitter into their marketing strategy
  • Focusing on giving educational and motivational online content to attract a larger audience
  • Email marketing strategy by sending email campaigns to health professionals. Setting up the client’s website and email campaigns in a socially-friendly way
  • Breaking down the numbers of the client’s new business in 2013. Identifying the retention rate, the expected retention rate for 2014, the average amount of her client’s annual profit and the client’s marketing expenditure for 2013
  • The impact of the online marketing strategies they applied to the client’s business

 The Data:

Marketing Spend: $24,000
New Business: $414,000
Return On Investment:  Yep

Retention Rate:  85%
Average Lifetime Value Per Client:  $1600
2013 NEW Business: $414,000
2014 NEW Business (assuming no new growth, which there already is):$414,000
2014 REPEAT Business (conservative): $352,000
2014 TOTAL Business (again, assuming no new growth, which there already is): $766,000

More About Amanda Brazel:

amanda2Amanda Brazel is a social media manager, consultant, trainer, blogger, clean foods enthusiast, Pure Barre fan, a happy wife and a mom of 3.

She helps business owners grow their business from her social media marketing efforts by 200-600%. She enjoys strategizing, teaching, coaching, training, as well as managing social media profiles of business owners.  Amanda is passionate in helping others achieve their dreams and goals, allowing them to focus on what they love most and do what she love most. Her field of expertise comes from her years of hand-on experience being a marketing manager, small business owner as well as taking-up business and personal development courses from some of the country’s top business leaders.

Next Doable Task:

I asked Amanda Brazel, “Alright, we talked beforehand and you know that from my Halftime audience here I love to give them something that’s practical and doable because we’re all about how they grow leads and leverage online with things that are manageable for them. Do you have a doable, digital tip or a challenge that you wanna leave with my audience here?”

Amanda says that she would recommend that you:

  • measure where you are,
  • measure where you want to go,
  • and make sure you know your numbers.

It’s very important to know your numbers (your target goals for sales, your minimum needed to survive, etc) in your business because then you can figure out what needs to change and where going foward.

Resource Links:

Find Amanda Brazel Online:










Another Amanda Resource: Video Creation Tips for Small Business

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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

I’m a Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport.  Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half.  That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn’t.

The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half.

Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!


Subscribe via iTunes:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  | Android users via RSS  | Listen on Stitcher.

Full interview Transcript available: AmandaBrazel-Case-Study

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