
Should You Buy A Disposable Vape?

Should You Buy A Disposable Vape?

If you’re a first-time vape buyer, disposable vapes are probably the first kind you’ve come across. However, seeing as you’ll be throwing this vape away one day, is it worth it to buy one in the first place?

This all depends on what you want from your vaping experience. However, we highly recommend trying out a few disposable vapes to see how you like them. Here are the benefits of buying a disposable vape over choosing a refillable version.

They Tend to Be Cheaper

Disposable vapes are cheaper because you’ll throw them away once you’re done with them. While this might sound like you’ll be wasting money on buying a new one repeatedly, the real cost will depend on your usage of the vape.

If you use it multiple times a day every day and take long inhalations of the vapor, you’ll need a new one sooner than someone who only uses it a couple of times and takes short hits. This small difference can dramatically impact how many disposable vapes you buy per month.

You Can Use One Immediately

Disposable vapes require no setup and, more interestingly, no maintenance either. You can take it out of the packet and start using it as soon as you've bought one.

This is very different from a refillable vape, which must be refilled with liquid roughly every two weeks and will need recharging and/or the battery changing on a rather more frequent scale.

Disposable vapes can be picked up and put down at your leisure. This is their main advantage.

They’re Much Easier To Look After

We mentioned no maintenance above, but this lack of care is a great benefit. Disposable vapes are good for casual vapers and hardcore smokers alike, thanks to just how little time you need to spend keeping the device in good condition.

You must keep the mouthpiece clean and ensure you’re not accidentally wasting the vapor.

They Come with Much More Fun Designs

Disposable vapes don’t need to be refilled or have their batteries changed, meaning there’s no need for compartments that are easily accessible. This means their general shape and design can be much more artistic and fun. When the vape looks good, it’s often nicer to use too.

Take the RAZ Vape 9000 as a good example here. Super easy to hold, very colorful, and be sleek, and stylish. Each flavor has its own differently designed case, which is super eye-catching and ready to use straight after you buy. You can’t get that from a refillable pen that requires much maintenance!

So, should you buy a disposable vape? It could be your best choice, no matter how often you want to use your vape. So, take note of the pros above, and feel free to check out the full range on our website.

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