
Search Engine Optimization – a Brief History

search engine optimization

(CC BY 2.0) by india7network

If you’re a website owner, you will have heard of search engine optimization. It’s a process of boosting a site’s credentials when it comes to Google searches, and it gives a site a better chance of being near the top of the page when someone performs a search. 93 percent of online experiences start with a search engine, and this statistic highlights just how important SEO is. If you want to use SEO to your advantage for your own site, you may want to read up on what it is exactly and how it came about.

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is an evolving industry that has had to adapt to the many changes and advances in the internet age. It has come so far that now there are high-tech tools that sites can use in order to help them appear higher in search engine results. GrowthSupermarket, for instance, provides reviews on state-of-the-art tools such as backlink monitoring and SEO rank tracking so that independent site owners can conduct their own SEO audits and push their site up the rankings.

SEO hasn’t always been this advanced, though, and in the early days of the internet, it was an entirely different animal to the one we know of today. But for almost as long as the internet has existed, there have been companies trying to optimise search engine results. Webmasters began optimising sites in the mid-1990s, and, at the time, the process was as simple as using a spider to crawl the page and extract links to other websites from it. This process became known as SEO in 1997, as more website owners began to realise the benefits of having their site as high up as possible in the Google search rankings.

As the internet and web pages developed, the key focus of SEO became link building. Search engines like Google and Yahoo use complex algorithms to guess which website a user is looking for. If a website has a lot of strong links from other sites pointing to it, this pushes it up the search rankings. Updating content on a site frequently to keep search engines crawling back can also help boost a site’s chances of getting higher up the rankings. These are things to consider when creating your own website. You could either use companies to do this kind of link building for you, or you could try to partner up with a number of other sites and promise to link back to one another on a regular basis.

You may hear in the news quite often that SEO is dead, and getting your site higher up the search rankings just can’t be done anymore. This isn’t true, but it can often refer to older methods of SEO becoming obsolete as the internet and search engines become more advanced. If you are a website owner, it’s wise to keep track of any developments in the SEO industry and make sure your site is updated accordingly.

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