
RealtyMogul Review

RealtyMogul Review

Are you tired of the traditional methods of investing in real estate, with all their limitations and complications? It's time to try something new and exciting: investing with RealtyMogul! You can start today by clicking here.

RealtyMogul is a cutting-edge platform that makes it easy for investors of all levels to access a wide range of high-quality investment properties. With its intuitive website and experienced team, you can quickly and easily find the perfect investment opportunity to help you reach your financial goals.

RealtyMogul Background

RealtyMogul was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. The company is led by CEO Jilliene Helman, who has over a decade of experience in real estate finance and investing. RealtyMogul aims to make real estate investing more accessible and transparent, with a focus on providing investors with high-quality commercial investment opportunities for accredited investors.

In addition to its platform, RealtyMogul also offers a range of services to help investors manage their investments. These services include property management, construction management, and asset management. This allows investors to focus on their other priorities and let the experts handle the day-to-day details of managing their real estate investments.

RealtyMogul has an innovative approach to real estate investing. In 2015, the company is one of the top 50 most promising companies in America by Forbes. In 2016, the company was one of the top 100 disruptive companies in the world by CNBC.

Despite its success, RealtyMogul is not without its challenges. Like any company in the real estate industry, it is subject to market fluctuations and the potential for economic downturns. However, the company's strong track record and commitment to transparency help it weather these challenges and continue to grow.

Types of investments offered

RealtyMogul offers a variety of real estate investment opportunities, including:

  • Individual properties, such as rental homes or commercial buildings
  • Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), which are securities backed by a pool of commercial mortgages
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

Pros and cons


  • Access to a range of investment opportunities. RealtyMogul offers a variety of investment opportunities, including commercial and residential properties, as well as debt offerings. This allows investors to diversify their portfolios and choose investments that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals.
  • Experienced leadership. RealtyMogul, CEO Jilliene Helman, has extensive experience in real estate finance and investing. This experience helps to ensure that the company is able to identify and offer high-quality investment opportunities.
  • Transparent and easy-to-use platform. RealtyMogul's platform is user-friendly and transparent. Each property offers detailed information, including financial statements, rent rolls, and property condition reports. Not to mention a streamlined process for investing.


  • Limited liquidity. Most of the investments from RealtyMogul are illiquid. This means that they cannot be easily sold or converted to cash. This can make it difficult for investors to access their funds quickly in the event of an emergency or if they want to rebalance their portfolios. A company on the cutting edge of solving this lack of liquidity in real estate, is Lex Markets.
  • Higher minimum investment: Many of the investments offered by RealtyMogul have a higher minimum investment than other platforms. This can make them inaccessible to some investors.

RealtyMogul vs Competitors

RealtyMogul is not the only platform that connects investors with real estate investment opportunities. Therefore, it's important to compare it to its competitors to see how it stacks up. Some of the main competitors to RealtyMogul include:

  • Fundrise. Fundrise is an online platform that connects investors with real estate investment opportunities. This platform offers a range of investment options, including eREITs and eFunds, and it charges a management fee of 1.00%.
  • Roofstock. Roofstock is an online platform that connects investors with income-producing properties. They offer a range of investment properties, including single-family rental homes and small multifamily properties. Fees are 1.5% to 2.5% depending on the property.
  • First National Realty Partners. First National Realty Partners is a commercial real estate private equity firm. They provide accredited investors with value-add commercial properties with anchor tenants in primary and secondary markets across the US. The company's in-house team thoroughly vets each investment opportunity for its potential for cash flow and capital appreciation. Investors participate as limited partners in property offerings and receive a tax deduction for property depreciation.


RealtyMogul is a leading online platform for real estate investing. It offers a range of commercial and residential properties, as well as debt offerings. The company is led by experienced executives and offers a user-friendly platform for investors. However, it is important to note that many of the investments offered by RealtyMogul are illiquid. Thus, they have a higher minimum investment than other platforms. Overall, RealtyMogul may be a good fit for investors looking to diversify their portfolios with real estate investments. However, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons before making any investment decisions.

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