
Medical Spa Marketing 101: Creating High-Quality Content

Medical Spa Marketing 101: Creating High-Quality Content

In recent years, the medical aesthetics industry has become increasingly accepted and even popular within the general public. Cosmetic procedures and surgery have become more commonplace. More people are now opting to go for non-invasive treatments and procedures. Whilst this increased popularity is good for the market, it comes with intensified competition. As an expert, you’re probably interested in finding out how you can increase your spa marketing to continue gaining customers.

One key way to market your med spa is to produce high-quality content for customers. Begin by crafting an effective and strategic content strategy that you will be able to use for your online and email marketing for medical spas.  This allows you to build and foster a deeper client-company relationship. All whilst spreading brand awareness by educating them on your industry’s practices.

So, how should you create content for customers? What are some tips you should take note of? In this article, we’ll help you with creating content for the best medspa marketing in toronto

Review The Kind Content That Would Most Appeal To Your Clients

Before diving into individual content ideas, you should always begin with some market research. Knowing what your clients will want is important. This will ensure that you are only putting out content that is desired. If you begin posting without thinking about what your clients would want, you might end up posting content that does not perform well.

Answering Client Questions

Firstly, think about the typical questions you usually get from customers. Are there any treatments or procedures that they usually ask about? For example, do they ask about the differences between liposuction and body contouring? Addressing these confusions is a great content-creating strategy. You’re able to spread brand credibility whilst fostering client-company relationships.

Utilizing Website Analytics

Using website analytic software such as Google Analytics can help you to understand what kind of content gains the most traction on your website. Some common questions to ask include: What pages do they engage with the most? Are there certain services that receive more attention? If so, these could be services that you’d like to produce more content about.

Regular Competitor Analysis

Lastly, take a look at what content other competitors are posting on their blogs, and make a note of how well they’re received by the general public. This could give you insight into what kind of content is popular (or not) amongst your clientele, which can aid you in creating similar high-quality content. This could set your business apart from others.

Set A Regular Post Frequency And Make A Schedule For It

Overall, the more you post, the higher your chances are of attracting more site traffic –– Google’s web crawler favors websites that have a steady stream of consistent and fresh content. For smaller businesses, the ideal post frequency would be once a week; it’s frequent enough to keep your website relevant whilst not overwhelming your readers. However, that might not be realistic if you lack an in-house marketer and have to produce all the content yourself. In that case, posting once a month would be good enough.

Once you’ve decided upon how frequently you’d like to post content, we strongly encourage coming up with a monthly content calendar that’ll help plan out your topics and release dates. You can even plan your topics to match with the season or any festivities –– for example, scheduling a post about keeping your skin hydrated and happy would be great for the winter months. Having a schedule is truly important as it would ensure that you would be able to keep on top of writing and posting.

Spa Marketing Schedule

Centralize Your Content With A Blog

Having a company website isn’t enough. It’s important that you incorporate a content blog where all your content clicks lead back to. Ideally, this should be located within your company website to ensure maximum SEO impact, but if your website isn’t optimized for blog functionality, you can consider placing it in a subdomain.

Produce Content That Your Clients Will Enjoy

Most importantly, be sure to produce content that your clients will enjoy. Your aim is to attract customers into visiting your spa for treatments, which means that your content must be enticing and welcoming.

Succinct, Digestible Posts

People tire easily, so it’s essential that your content be digestible and avoid including overly technical jargon or long-winded pieces of text. We recommend keeping them relatively short –– around 500 to 700 words per post is ideal. Plus, we encourage you to properly format your post with bulleted lists, subtitles, Q&As, and sections to make it easy on the eyes. To spice up your content a little, adding images and videos will make it infinitely more attractive.

Avoid Hard-Selling

Whilst it’s important that your content links back to your med spa, you shouldn’t resort to overselling your services too. This may cause your clients to feel as if you’re not providing genuine advice, and may result in a loss of company reputation. Keep your content educational by providing necessary advice and including both pros and cons about a service. We recommend only including one or two links or a clickable call-to-action at the bottom of the page.

Include Inspirational Photos

We’ve all seen those sterile, overly-professional “before and after” photos in the medical aesthetics industry. However, these visuals may not be the best form of messaging that you want to convey to your audience. We recommend using images that convey healthy, effortless, natural-looking aesthetics to our clients. Encapsulate the feeling of people living life, and looking good while doing it in your medical spa marketing.

Keyword Research

Using relevant, unique keywords in your blog is key to creating an efficient content marketing strategy. Whilst it doesn’t attract more of your current clients to better receive your content, it aids in helping prospective clients find your company organically through search engines. The higher your site’s search engine visibility, the more site traffic you’ll get, which can translate into an increase in prospective clients. We recommend using keyword search software (such as SEMrush, Soovle, or Moz’s Keyword Explorer) to sieve for the most effective long-tail phrases and keywords and incorporate them into your content.

medical spa


In conclusion, producing good quality med spa marketing content always involves thinking in the shoes of the consumer. Use this to gauge what they’ll want to read the most. With our short guide, we hope that you have a better idea of how you can produce your own content too!

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