
Key Skills of the Digital Marketer



The online world is vast, and as a company to participate in it well you need to hire a person or hire another firm with key skills in special areas.  Simply put, you need to be aware of how most, if not all online platforms work for businesses. Digital marketing is complex as you need to understand how to interact with users on each platform and navigate the ever-changing option within each social platform. For example, the content you post on Instagram will vary greatly from your content on the company’s website or even on Facebook. For this, your company will require the skills of the digital marketer professional.

6 Key Skills of the Digital Marketer

1. Social media marketing

The bulk of internet users spend more time on social media platforms than on search engines. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are the most popular. Every digital marketer should know how to target potential customers on these platforms. Also, they should know the preferred tone and schedule for each platform. This often varies from business to business, so the digital marketer needs to be flexible in their writing.

2. SEO Skills

Every digital marketer must have at least basic knowledge of website search engine optimization. SEO skills are crucial for any digital marketing campaign. You also need SEM skills that deal with search engine marketing.

Google is full of websites similar to the one you're marketing, and each website wants to clinch the top spots on Google rankings. Securing these slots requires SEO skills and understanding of the importance of keyword research, on-page optimization, content planning, and more.

3. Data analysis

Data is a huge goldmine which, if used correctly, can unlock markets that you've never thought of. While raw data is valuable, knowing how to analyze and use it is even more valuable. However, data isn't always authentic, and in some cases, you will find duplicated data, incorrect or incomplete data. As a digital marketer, you should know how to view, read, interpret, and cleanse the data. When done correctly this will help you to create marketing strategies that grow the business.

4. Writing and editing skills

Digital marketing involves a lot of content creation. Creating content is not just writing tweets, Instagram posts, or blog posts. It's about creating content that your audience can relate to and elicits a response, whether it's via a comment, sale, or share.

Writing skills come in handy when creating content for websites, as digital marketers have to optimize the content for search engines. In addition, the content needs to be relevant to the audience and easy to read.

5. Listening skills

Maintaining a good relationship with customers is vital to the growth of a business; thus, a digital marketer should listen to what the customers are saying about the brand or product. You can start by scouring social media to gain insight. Social media is also a great place to learn more about your competitors. Gather the information and analyze it to determine what the customer wants.

Listening will help you help understand the most effective marketing strategies and the customer’s response. Digital marketing is diverse, and the success of a campaign is attributed to listening skills. It's not just listening to the customers about your product; it's also about listening to the potential customer needs, problems and goals. Create a marketing campaign that accounts for the needs of the customers and solves their problems. Don't forget to incorporate data analytics as it gives insight into the customer's needs and trends.

6. Sales skills

The idea behind a digital marketing campaign is to increase sales. Even though the campaign might increase brand awareness, it doesn't necessarily result in increased sales. Your business needs a digital marketer who knows how to sell and turn your target audience into happy, repeat customers.


To conclude the key skills of the digital marketer, Digital marketers should also have a likable personality. While it's not a specific skill, it influences how the audience interacts with your posts. Remember that there are millions of bloggers, influencers, and journalists out there. All these people are fighting to attract the attention of billions of online users; as such, having a likable personality is always an upside. Another important skill is adaptability, as algorithms are ever-changing and new trends cropping up; thus, digital marketers should be open to change. They should learn to adapt to changing trends and technology.

Read our blog for more on digital marketing and SEO tips.

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