
Improve Your Social Media Engagement with Quizzes and 1 Click Quiz Maker

Improve Your Social Media Engagement with Quizzes and 1 Click Quiz Maker-315While the word "quiz" may take you back to your school days, quizzes are actually very useful in the world of marketing. Why? Quizzes are an effective and convenient tool for engaging with your audience.

On social media a whopping 82% of users complete quizzes. From Facebook to Buzzfeed, quizzes are used to gather relevant information from site users quickly. Brands have recognized and embraced the power of quizzes.

Creative Ways to Engage Your Audience

Quizzes allow you to create branded content that's fun and accessible. A fast quiz on a new product or service can make learning about a brand's offerings much more entertaining than a standard info dump.

For users, quizzes provide a reward for the users who complete them. Quizzes empower the user to voice their opinion and test themselves on their knowledge. Instead of a one-way exchange, users and brands are interacting at a more personal level.

A well-designed quiz is image heavy, interesting, concise and has snappy copy (no long paragraphs). This is the perfect format for social media marketing, and it encourages users to share.

A great example of a brand's use of a quiz to engage their target audience comes from the online business program, The Foundation. The quiz, which was paired with Facebook ads, questioned users on what kind of entrepreneur they felt they were (and ultimately, if The Foundation was right for the user). Therefore, the quiz leads to the brand garnering thousands of leads and millions in revenue.

Improve Your Social Media Engagement with Quizzes and 1 Click Quiz Maker-1Insurance review site, Obrella, also created an engaging quiz for their audience. Quiz takers know upfront that the quiz is short, the questions are relevant, and they get to see how their scores compare to other test takers (adding the element of competitiveness). The quiz also urges the audience to share their results.

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Ready to use quizzes as a tool to reach your right audience?

There's an excellent tool to get you started with just 1 click. You can build simple, attractive, interactive, and quick quizzes with 1 Click Quiz Maker.

Improve Your Social Media Engagement with Quizzes and 1 Click Quiz Maker-315One-click Quiz Maker works by drawing data from the web (like social media accounts and Wikipedia) about a subject of your choosing. When you hit "Create Quiz" the data that's being gathered will be used to generate witty facts and questions about the subject automatically. You're able to edit or add to the questions and share the quiz on social media. For quiz takers, the quizzes are fun, interactive, and serve as a quick and easy introduction to your brand. For you, it is fast, a time-saver, and free.

You're able to edit or add to the questions and share the quiz on social media. For quiz takers, the quizzes are fun, interactive, and serve as a quick and easy introduction to your brand. As a result, for you, it is fast, a time-saver, and free.

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Check out a sample quiz.

Ready to get started. Create a quiz with 1 Click Quiz Maker.



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