
How You Can Properly and Effectively Engage Customers: Your Definitive Guide

How You Can Properly and Effectively Engage Customers

A marketing campaign is always essential for any business and brand. Many companies have come up with various marketing campaigns and strategies when it comes to engaging their customers. But a campaign geared towards customer engagement can be tricky. Especially as you need to stay in line with the times and know what your customers need and what interests them for your campaign to work. You also need to know which buttons to press to initiate a reaction – and a positive one, at that. However, there are some general guidelines. Whilst every marketing campaign for customer engagement can be different based on your company and brand, these general rules can certainly be of great help. Here is your definitive guide to how you can effectively engage customers.

Provide them with entertainment 

Your customers will want to be entertained. Therefore, it’s a big opportunity for you to engage them and encourage their loyalty. But what does it mean when we say provide them with entertainment? It means piquing their interest with aspects such as interactive games, and events. For example, Commonwealth Bank in Australia has an interactive online game for its customers to promote its latest cardless technology product. The game showcases a map of Sydney, and the gamers’ goal was to find ‘wallets’ that were lost throughout the city. Each wallet contained a reward of $200. The winners went to a Commonwealth cashpoint machine to get their prize, but only by using the bank’s Cardless Cash product. In its first week, it received more than 40,000 visitors – and these visitors spent more than 10 minutes on the website.

The hotel chain, Marriott International, also took advantage of gaming on social media. They launched a game on Facebook that invited players to ‘own’ and manage a hotel. This served to be an effective tool for marketing and an excellent strategy for human resources because it generated interest in the brand. Additionally, it made hotel jobs more appealing, particularly in countries that considered hotel staff positions menial work.

Maintain contact with customers 

You can also keep engagement strong by maintaining contact with your customers. You have to be in constant touch with them as this encourages continuous dialogue. But to do this right, you have to be innovative, as any reputable customer experience consultant will tell you. So what does this mean? It means remaining relevant and being responsive to the issues of your customers as soon as they arise. When you are responsive, you can easily and quickly prevent problems from getting out of hand. This also helps to prevent blunders in PR that can go viral within hours.

Marketing works well when your customers or clients feel like they have a genuine relationship with your brand. This relationship has to be interesting, steady, and mutually beneficial – and you also need to make an effort to sustain it.

Your ultimate goal is to establish an emotional bond and connection with your clients. This can result in advocacy and intimacy. It’s an ongoing process and not a one-off thing. Therefore, you need to have a constant and reliable presence if you want to go far. Follow the tips above and start to effectively engage your customers.

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