
How to use Social Media to Grow your Blog

how to use social media to grow your blog

Have you been writing your blog for some time now? Perhaps you are keen to gain a wider audience or start making an income from it? The stumbling block is that you are struggling to attract new readers and get those page views. If you have used every SEO tip you have read and are creating quality readable content, then maybe it is time to up your social media game. For those of you who are unsure where to start with this, we have a few suggestions for you here as we share how to use social media to grow your blog.

People are looking to connect

In our increasingly digital world, there can be no doubt that people are looking to connect. You need to capitalize on this and seek to interact with your potential readers. 

Social media is big business and there are few people without at least one social media account out there. From Facebook to Twitter, people are reaching out to others and finding like minded folks to talk with. Or if they are looking for something truly social, less gimmicky and without those tricky algorithms, they are gravitating towards apps like Vero

You have things to say on your blog, it is now time to bring them to social media so that others can connect with you. If you blog about your love of science fiction, there will be millions of people active on social media with the same passion, so you need to tap into that. Social media is where your potential readers are just waiting to hear from you. 

Choose your platforms wisely

If you have done very little with social media until now, we would suggest that you choose your platforms wisely. Whilst you might be tempted to register on a dozen of them and start sharing content, this is unlikely to be sustainable for you. Begin with two or three, and choose the channels that you are most comfortable with initially.

Share content regularly

You should aim to share content regularly on social media. This can be a mixture of your own blog content, other people’s content that is relevant to you or you love, and then general chat, quizzes, memes, articles, whatever works for your blog and the profile that you are looking to build.

The key here is to be consistent, both in sharing often and also in the content that you choose to promote. People will get to know what to expect from you, and as long as you remain authentic and genuine, it should be easy to share and connect with others.

Get social

It is social media, so you should be doing more than just self-promoting. Spend time chatting and getting to know others on your chosen platforms. If you get replies and responses to your content, always take the time to respond. Take a look at what other people are sharing and reply to them.

In this way, you will begin to make connections and these connections could turn into blog readers over time. 

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