
How to Make Money Blogging

Make Money Blogging
Blogging is not as easy as most people think. It requires tremendous determination and sacrifice to become a successful blogger and start earning money. I saw my first blog back in 2003. I was so fascinated with blogging that I went ahead and created one. I had no experience or prior business related to writing.

I started writing the first couple of blogs but I didn’t earn anything for almost two years. And when I started making money, it was only a few dollars a day. Since then my income has been growing gradually to what it is today.  So, how do you make money blogging?

1. Create your Blog!

This is the first crucial step. You’ll need to have blog to start blogging and generating revenue. Majority of successful bloggers started blogging with no previous experiences. You shouldn’t worry if you have never written a blog. There are tons of guides on how to write blog posts which will help you get started. Blogging is not so difficult however, it requires determination and some sacrifice.

It’s also important to do your research on the type of blog you want to create. Do you want a self-hosted or free hosted site? With a self-host, you get to own your domain and have complete control over your blog. This comes at a cost which is worth it. On the other hand, free host sites will not charge you anything but the hosting site will have control over your blog and it limits your flexibility long-term.

2. Create useful Blog Content

A blog is only a blog if it has content. Once you’ve chosen the type of blog you want and created it, it’s time for you to focus on creating useful content. The content you choose to create will depend on your topic and target market.

Every piece of content you create should be useful. Creating content that changes other people’s lives will bring you all the success and money you dream of. There are tons of articles online that will help you create useful content. The most important thing is knowing your target market and its current needs.

3. Look for Readers

When creating your blog and writing useful content, it’s easy to fall into the trap of waiting for your readers to find you. The truth is readers won’t find you unless you find them. If you want to make money from your blog, you have to focus not only on building a wonderful blog but also promoting it.

It’s important to analyze the performance of your blog regularly and update content.  One way to do this is by using assignment help in the UK. Knowing how you are performing will help you come up with the best ways to build traffic and develop an online presence.

4. Engage with your Readers

After putting some effort to find readers, you’ll start noticing a gradual increase in the number of visits and readership. At this point, you need to change your strategy from finding readers to engaging with the readers that have come.

Reaching out to the readers personally will make them come back for more and stick with you in the long run. Once you build an online community, you’ll be unstoppable.

5. Start making Money!

The first four steps discussed above will act as the foundation of generating money in the long run. Once everything is set, you need to start thinking of ways to make money through blogging. There are very many ways bloggers use to make money.

All you need to do is choose the methods that best suit you and your blog. Some of the best ways to make money blogging include using ads, offering sponsored posts on relevant topics, hosting events, affiliate income and offering products to name a few.


The thought of making money at home with your pajamas and slippers on is quite exciting. However, you should keep in mind that nothing good comes easily. You’ll have to work hard creating and building your blog for people to start visiting and reading.

A number of bloggers start with lots of energy and give up along the way. Don’t be one of them. Start planning as early as possible. Do your research and most importantly, learn from the mistakes of other bloggers. Using the right strategy when going through the different phases will greatly improve your performance. Start your blogging journey today!

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