
How to Future-Proof Your eCommerce Strategy Using Composable Commerce Architecture

How to Future-Proof Your eCommerce Strategy Using Composable Commerce Architecture

Composable commerce is a component-based system that is built on cloud-based, technology-agnostic architecture as the foundation for reliable, scalable, and interoperable eCommerce. It also sets the stage for a future-proof eCommerce strategy that can help companies keep pace with customer expectations and keep buyers coming back. Here’s how.

Challenges With One-Source Solutions

Traditionally, businesses deliver eCommerce solutions using a single-source model. This approach is straightforward: Companies purchas a proprietary platform from a single vendor, and all eCommerce services use this platform.

While this process offers the benefit of standard controls and operations, it also introduces several challenges. First is the inability to customize or personalize eCommerce experiences. Second, scalability was finite. Since infrastructure is primarily on-premises, companies have a set amount of room for expansion.

Finally, these one-source solutions come with limited capacity for upgrades and improvements. While software updates provided bug fixes or added new functions, these platforms required eventual replacement to make the most of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, mobile platforms and on-demand access.

3 Ways Composable Commerce Helps Future-Proof eCommerce

Composable commerce can help companies future-proof their digital-selling strategies because they are infinitely scalable, completely flexible and significantly more cost-effective.

Infinite Scale

Because composable eCommerce tools run through the cloud,  businesses can scale them infinitely. Companies can add more resources or components as necessary without worrying that they will run out of space or need to compromise on performance.

The cloud nature of modular solution architecture also allows businesses to scale back as necessary in response to consumer demand. This is especially useful for eCommerce companies as they navigate seasonal demand fluctuations.

Complete Flexibility

Composable solutions are technology-agnostic, which means that companies are not bound to a single provider or vendor. This eliminates the “walled gardens” common to proprietary tools, in turn allowing businesses to create the technology stacks that align with current and future goals.

This flexibility also makes it possible to swap out technologies on demand as needs evolve. Since composable tools are interoperable but not interdependent, businesses can make changes without the risk of system-wide downtime.

Reduced Costs 

In a single-source model, companies pay for all the functions that come with a platform — whether they need them or not. They also face constraints of version upgrades that can negatively impact performance.

With a composable approach, organizations can select and integrate only the tools they need, when they need them. In addition, they can choose to upgrade (or not) depending on current and future requirements. The result is long-term cost control that aligns with evolving eCommerce strategies.

Keeping eCommerce Current

eCommerce is a moving target. As consumer expectations and commercial technologies evolve, companies can’t afford to fall behind.

Single-source solutions provide point-in-time benefits. While they can help streamline current operations, they naturally have a finite life cycle that requires eventual replacement. Not only is this replacement costly, but it can impact long-term strategy: It’s hard to build for the future without a solid technology foundation.

With a composable commerce approach, companies can future-proof their eCommerce strategy. Instead of replacing platforms in their entirety, businesses can adjust, upgrade or replace solutions on a case-by-case basis, without worrying about finite scale or excessive spending.

Bottom line? The future is now — and tomorrow, and the day after. Composable commerce helps keep companies current.

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