
How to Find a Keyword on a Website: The Ultimate SEO Guide

How to Find a Keyword on a Website: The Ultimate SEO Guide

These days, your brand's online impression is only as strong as the search engine optimization (SEO) tactics that you use.

There's a lot of different factors that go into having an efficient SEO gameplan. But the argument could be made that none are as important as the keywords that you use in your content.

Keywords are the connection between your brand, its industry, and the readers that are looking for answers that you can provide them with. Needless to say, they shouldn't be taken lightly.

Here's how to find a keyword on a website that you can use for your site's content.

1. Brainstorm Topics and Niches

Google's algorithm continues to get stronger and stronger in a good way. Google continues to perfect it so that no black hat SEO users will have success using their tactics.

Because of that, you'll want to use white hat SEO tactics that will have Google sending readers to you as a trustworthy brand and website.

So... how can you prove your trustworthiness to Google's algorithm? Use keywords that are relevant to your industry.

Not only will these keywords get the "thumbs up" from Google, but they'll also help you stand out with your prospects. The more keywords you have that they've searched, the more likely they are to find you. 

To start, think of all relevant topics with the product, service, or brand that you're trying to build/sell. What kind of people is looking for your help? What things are they struggling with? What searches are they performing to find help?

2. Pay Attention to the Search Volume

Now that you have a good amount of topics that relate to your content, it's time to plug those in and see what keywords come out the other end.

Use the best backlink checker in the game and plugin relevant articles to see what kind of keywords they're using for their SEO.

As you're coming through the list, be sure to check out the search volume of each keyword you're considering for your list. The higher the search volume, the more that people are searching for that exact topic.

Obviously, those are the kind of keywords you'll want to use in your site's content. 

However, there are a few more factors of keyword searching that you need to factor in before you start plugging in those keywords with high search volumes...

3. Consider the Keyword Density

After you've compiled a long list of keywords with high search volumes, it's time to filter down those that you've found into a strategized list.

The easiest (and most efficient) way to do that is using the keywords that have the lowest density to them.

Keyword density is the percentage of how many times that specific keyword has been used within the total content on the webpage you've backlinked. In other words, it shows how many times they used that word in their content.

The higher the keyword density, the tougher it will be for you to aim for a higher density of that keyword in your future content. Just keyword stuffing for the sake of beating a top results article isn't viable. Google will sniff out what you're trying to do.

For that reason, stick to keywords that have a high search volume and a keyword density that's lower than 25.

Now you can fill your content with a primary keyword that people are actively searching for, and reap the benefits of doing so.

4. Look at the Keyword Difficulty

Lastly, you need to consider all the keyword difficulty of the words you're thinking of implementing into your content.

SEMrush shows the difficulty associated with any keyword from a scale of 1 to 100. You might think that anything that's under 50 is okay to use, but not necessarily. 

When starting out on your SEO adventure, you want to find the keywords with the lowest amount of competition possible. The less competition, the more people will be directed to your site.

Try only using keywords that have difficulty at or below 35 while you're getting things up and running. It will be the most beneficial to what you're trying to accomplish.

5. Optimize Primary and Secondary Keywords

Possibly the most important aspect of using keywords in your content is listing out primary keywords and secondary keywords. It's one of many SEO tactics that experts recommend.

Your primary keyword is going to be the keyword you're using that's checked off every box: it has a high search volume, low density, and low difficulty. As the name would imply, it's going to be the main keyword you implement into your content.

For every article, it's a good rule of thumb to incorporate the primary keyword into your intro, one header, conclusion, and throughout the body.

Next, you have secondary keywords. These are keywords you've also found on SEMrush that you can naturally fit into your articles and site pages.

One thing to note, your secondary keywords don't have to check all the boxes that your primary keyword needs to. As long as they have a high search volume, feel free to use them!

How to Find a Keyword on a Website: Use Your Checklist

Now that you have a few bits of criteria for how to find a keyword on a website, you can use that to find the best keywords for your content.

As with anything else, you'll get the hang of this more and more over time. Pretty soon, keyword usage will become second nature to you!

Be sure to read our other articles that pertain to both this topic and other topics just like it.


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