
How to Dominate SEO in the CBD Gummies Industry This Year

How to Dominate SEO in the CBD Gummies Industry This Year - Google Docs 2020-03-23 13-56-10

You may already know you have the best CBD gummies in the industry, but does Google know? Here are some steps you can start taking today that will help you get a foothold and stand out from the noise of a saturated market.

Make Sure All Your Pages Are Optimized and Indexed by Google

Your CBD gummies brand will never get found if your pages are not indexed by Google. Fortunately, you can easily make that happen by creating a site map and submitting it to the Google Search Console. The process for this varies depending on your content management system, but you should be able to easily find instructions on how to do it with a quick search on the internet. 

Avoid Getting Dinged in Google’s Algorithm

Google is good at picking up blatant abuse of specific strategies like loading content with keywords and no substance, creating pages full of links that do not relate to anything, and making bogus pages. But you can also get knocked back in the search results order by having duplicate pages, or pages with no useful information (like thank you pages), in the index. 

In order to prevent Google from indexing these kinds of pages, you can add a noindex metatag or a robots.txt file to your page. This is another process that may vary based on your content management system, but you should be able to easily find instructions. 

Start Putting Out Quality Content That Establishes E-A-T

Google bumps you up in its search ranking when it finds that your web pages or your site has the best answer to a person’s query. It determines the intent of the search and then looks within its index to find the most useful content. The usefulness of the content is determined by three main factors: expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, or E-A-T. 

Your objective is to convince Google’s algorithm that your site has the most accurate, honest, and well-informed content on the internet through establishing E-A-T. You can achieve this by doing a thorough keyword search and using them effectively, making sure your content is accurate and thorough, linking to other pages on your website, including external links, getting other websites to link to your pages, and getting happy customers to review your products.


Let’s say someone enters a search for hemp-derived CBD gummies. Google then looks for sites that have the exact phrase, then sites that have elements of the phrase. In order to use keywords effectively, you need to first establish who you want to target with your CBD gummy marketing. 

Does your brand cater to athletes? If so, how might their searches differ from someone who is just looking for general information? Research the kinds of specific words and phrases that may be used by your target audience when they are looking for CBD gummies, then use a mix of very common keywords and very specific keywords to optimize your content. Make sure you list them in your content management system, then use them throughout your page.

Do not make the mistake of randomly throwing keywords in, or simply listing them all several times at the end of your document as a shortcut. Google’s crawler will catch the abuse and knock your web page down in the search results.


Generally, you have to establish expertise through credentials, so this may be a little more challenging unless you know doctors, scientists, psychologists, or other experts in a related field who can write guest posts or act as editors for you. Big time bonus if you are a doctor, scientist, psychologist, or other sort of expert in a related field.

The one major exception to this rule, is reviews and testimonials. The general public is acknowledged as having expertise when it comes to personal experience with a product. Your website will get a boost in this department if you put lots of reviews from happy customers up on your site.


You don’t need credentials to build authority, but this part does still require a significant amount of work. The first thing to focus on, is creating a great user experience for anyone who visits your website. The purpose of every page should be crystal clear, and every function on your site needs to be simple to use. If you are using any sort of plug-ins, make sure they are up-to-date and working. 

Your main avenue for establishing authority outside of user experience, is through getting other websites to link to your pages. There are a few ways to do this, and some are more costly or complicated than others. Affiliate marketing is probably one of the most expensive ways to get this done, but it is fairly simple and straightforward, and it requires less time on your part. You can also contact websites related to your CBD gummies brand, and ask them if they would be willing to post a guest article from you, linking back to your site. There are several strategies easily accessible through a search on linkbuilding, and a combination may be most beneficial. 


Trustworthiness is pretty simple to establish. Make sure your content is always accurate, helpful, and honest, and that your contact information is easy to find. Don’t practice keyword stuffing or any other strategic abuse of the algorithm. Stick to the rules and your trustworthiness score will not be a problem.  

Final Thoughts

If you are already creating great content, then you are more than halfway to your goal of dominating SEO in the CBD gummies industry this year. You may just need to tweak a few things in order to make your site stand out from the rest of the brands competing for business. May the best CBD gummies brand win!

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