
How to Create Cold Emails That Actually Work

Create Cold Emails That Actually Work

It is common for most people to avoid sending cold emails, assuming it will be viewed as spam, and they do not wish to gain a reputation for it. It is important to understand that cold call email are not SPAM and may be exactly what you need to grow your business, so it is worthwhile to learn how to write a cold call email.

Cold emailing isn't just sending an email introducing your product and hoping a potential prospect replies. The way you draft a cold email and who you are sending it to needs more attention if you want to generate leads. It is important to plan and prepare cold emails in advance.

Therefore, we'll cover everything from the definition of Cold Email to the best practices for writing cold emails to potential clients throughout this article, so you can make the most out of your outreach campaigns.

What is Cold Email?

A cold email is an email you send to prospects who have never interacted with you before and have not explicitly agreed to receive it.

It's like door-to-door sales, only modern. Instead of cold calls, you send emails that build interest and attract leads, move them down the sales funnel, and eventually convert them.

Essentially, you send cold emails to potential customers without prior communication. The idea of "cold emails" may bring to mind "cold calls." Although the concepts seem very similar, emails are much less intrusive.

How has the approach to cold emailing changed?

A cold email has been changed since a few years back and the strategies are also changing. So now you should follow best practices, from the subject line to the email body, as well as the call to action.

In spite of the fact that cold emailing is inherently difficult, if done right, it can provide you with many lucrative opportunities. So, put your best foot forward.

Writing effective cold emails can lead to sales and customer acquisition, or perhaps even landing your first customer.

With the right cold email campaign, you can match or even beat a 30% response rate - and by knowing how to write cold email effectively, you can achieve the same result.

How to find an email? 

Discover exactly how to find an email address by name with Klean Leads, so you can warm up the interaction before you even make the call!

It's pretty easy to find a person's email address using the email search method if you know the person's name. This means that most businesses use a pattern for all their email addresses.

It is most common for prospects' email addresses to consist of either their first name or last name. (e.g. [email protected] or [email protected]).

  1. Various email address search tools can also be used to find any email addresses.
  2. When you cannot find an email address for the person you need to reach, but have access to a general email address on their domain name (e.g., [email protected]), send an email to the address and ask to be connected to the person you need to reach.
  3. You can also find the prospectus email address on their social media pages or account. So you have to look for an email in their about section or bio section.

How to write a cold email?

  • The Subject Line Is Important

Essentially, a subject line is the same as the text title of an article or blog post. It is important to create a catchy and attractive subject line or your email will end up getting deleted right away.

Cold email subject lines must be strategic and succinct in order to make it stand out from the crowd. The subject line shouldn't exceed 50 characters because you don't need to tell your entire story here. In fact, you can use just a word if you want.

  • Add an opening line.

Opening lines are crucial because they serve the purpose of breaking the ice. Besides that, they let the receiver know why the message is being sent and what you want to discuss.

In this section, introduce yourself and the company you work for. Include a short pitch explaining how recipients are valuable to the company and how this company can impact their lives.

  • Create an eye-catching cold email introduction

You have half the battle won when you get your recipient to open your message by adding the 'from' line and the subject. Within the next 3 seconds, you will have their attention, and you need to compel them to read further than the first two lines.

In order to begin a cold email, you need an intriguing introduction. People tend to talk about themselves and the company they work for. Whether it's not knowing where to begin or because we desperately want to close the sale in our first email, either way, our first email ends up in the trash.

  • Propose a value

It doesn't matter if the business has won an award or what you do is amazing in every way to your recipients. The goal of your email should be to get them to read it. You should have a great opening line, then get straight to the point and discuss what you are talking about.

  • Is there a reason behind your contact?
  • How can you help?
  • The advantages of doing business with you
  • Describe how other companies benefit from your offering.

You try to gain the trust of prospects by pointing out exactly why their current system needs to be changed. You need to point out what they are currently experiencing, and why they should change.

  •  Prepare an effective text

Be sure not to use spammy templates or standard advertising phrases that may be perceived as distrustful if you use cold email templates. Ensure your email is clear, concise, and precise. In order to avoid recipients spending time trying to figure out what the message is about, you want them to realize why they received it.

  • Send emails without too many images, links, and fancy fonts.

Though it may be possible to reach customers with pictures and videos, you should not overuse them, even if they are highly informative. You know that advertising leaflets are usually tossed in the trash bin because they tend to have big, bold headings and excessive color.

  • Build trust and provide solutions

Most successful cold emails should show the recipient you are the solution to a certain problem. Briefly explain the issue and suggest a solution.

Putting a value proposition in an email is key to making people see how it will help them. This way they will understand that the email will be helpful to them.

  • Make sure you know your audience

It is important to send cold emails to the right people, so it's crucial to make sure you send them to the right person. Sending a cold email that grabs their attention increases your chances of getting a response. If people see your cold email as generic, you will never get a response. Make sure you specify something specific about the company or the recipient to let them know why you reached out to them.

  • Call to action

All that's left for you to do now is write your call to action, which will encourage your prospects to complete whatever action you want them to take with your cold email.

You can ask us to schedule a Skype call with you, to give you feedback, to reply to you, etc. Anything you are willing to do. Ultimately, you want them to follow through with any action you desire. Keep it simple and straightforward.

Wrapping up

Besides allowing building and expanding a customer base, cold email marketing is a vital component of email marketing. While e-marketing is crucial for promotion and direct sales, cold emails can also perfectly serve as an invitation to potential collaboration.

You will struggle to succeed in your email outreach unless you focus on these important components.

In order to build a long-term relationship with your prospect, you need to make sure your email copy is written according to the latest trends. This will help your cold email stand out from competitors.

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