
How to Create an Ebook for Online Marketing

Ebooks have a variety of uses for marketing and promoting your business online. One of the most common uses of an ebook is as a promotion tool on your website.

For example, you can reward site visitors for subscribing to your weekly newsletter by giving them a free ebook. Not only does this give them a benefit to subscribe, it also gives them a preview of the expertise they can expect from your company.

Ebooks don’t have to be very long to be effective.  A simple 12-15 page ebook focused on one particular topic is all you need to engage readers. This serves two purposes: One, it draws the attention of readers interested in a topic your company is experienced in and, two, it lets you show off your expertise in this area building brand trust.  

Writing an ebook is not difficult but it is best to approach it in an organized way.

Here are five steps to take when writing your ebook.

Pick A Good Topic

This can range from general information, advice on a specific topic, FAQs, an industry overview, and so on. Consider what your website visitors would be interested in knowing or questions they would want answered. For example, if you’re a contractor, key for general home upkeep and what to look for in a licensed contractor could be quality information in one ebook.

Develop an Outline

An outline serves to establish your ebook framework. Much like you wouldn’t build a house without a plan, writing an ebook without an outline is an equally bad idea. Your outline should contain main points with supporting subcategories that go into further detail. Your main points should each have a section of the book and subcategories can serve as individual chapters.

The Writing Process

Make use of well-defined chapters, subcategories, list, and bullet points to keep information organized and easy to read. Web readers often skim, so use spacing and lists with clear headings to help readers be able to do this.  Also, be sure to [clickToTweet tweet="End your ebook with a call to action directing readers to contact you for more information about your company’s goods and services." quote="End your ebook with a call to action directing readers to contact you for more information about your company’s goods and services."]

Editing And Review

It goes without saying your ebook needs to be properly edited and proofread before releasing. Bad formatting leaves a negative impression on readers. Writing is often a sloppy process and reworking is nearly always required. Common errors most writers make include misused terms, unclear sentences, typos, and rewrites that have made other parts of the text no longer relevant. Have someone else read your work as it can be hard critiquing your own writing.

Ebook Design

An ebook is more like a traditional book online as opposed to a simple document or PDF file, so your layout and design is very important. A table of contents, a cover, and professional graphics all make the work more aesthetically pleasing to readers. To design an engaging eBook there are several publishing software platforms to make use of.

Once your ebook has been written, edited, proofread, and designed you are now ready to share it with readers. Consider creating a pop up on your website promoting your ebook with a subscription form for your newsletter.  Upon filling out the simple pop-up form with their name and email address, you would give them access to the ebook. They now have a value-adding resource and you have grown your email list.


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