
How to Carry Out User Testing: Strategy and Stages

How to Carry Out User Testing: Strategy and Stages

The task of custom testing is to determine the level of convenience, quality, and logic of user interface functions. When testing, the developer puts the following goals:

  • Development of the script. The test scenario is based on real situations. Typical cases take into account the features of each program medium.
  • Check requirements. Specialists will work in detail on the requirements for compliance with general quality standards.
  • Determination of possible inconsistencies. At this stage, the tester monitors the software product in order to detect non-stalks in the assembly.

UAT (user acceptance testing) is the final stage of developing an application. This is carried out before the official release. In practice, the user test version is already the first public option that is offered to the user. UAT Service offers assistance to customers who are interested in quality products.

What is the importance of UAT?

From the point of view of technical completion, the application can be fully complete, but in the course of operation, errors often appear. In this case, financial losses will be especially high. Often the application will not simply need to be refined, but you also need to restore reputation. Many users will not want to give money for the product with which there were problems with other consumers.

In the working cycle chain, user testing performs a slightly different task than other types of testing. Therefore, the process takes a separate stage in the project implementation. Defects that manifest themselves in the testing process can have a different base. For example, a bug may occur if the developers provide false data on the requirements and standards of quality (URL OUTSOURCING).

After successful user testing, the owner can be sure that the product will enter the market with positive consumer reviews.

UAT Types

Before developing the testing script, you must familiarize yourself with the main types of UAT testing:

  • Alpha test. Performed at the application development phase. Testing task - identify system errors at the initial level.
  • Beta testing. Verification of product performance in the field. Unlike similar tests, the software product is experiencing a different software environment.
  • Industrial testing. Ensures verification of the functioning of the application in various browsers, on different mobile devices. The tester monitors the application and records possible defects in the compatibility of the application with different gadgets.
  • Monitoring the prototype. Testing happens with the participation of a set focus group. During testing, users rated the convenience, functionality, and application quality. In this case, the tester records negative reactions or positive responses. These will later show if it is worth developing a product. Pay attention to what insights you gain.

It is worth noting that user testing includes product testing for compliance with quality standards, legal provisions, and security systems.

How to spend UAT testing?

Analysis of critical important indicators is very important. Especially, when the product starts to head to the mass market.  This is where BDD testing can be valuable.  Therefore it is worth treating testing carefully and executing it correctly:

  • Dough script. The first and most important testing document. With automated testing, the script is written once. This then applies to all project fragments.
  • Development of a test plan. The document in which the strategy and order show by each testing step.
  • Creating test templates. At this stage, the real situations in which the application will work.
  • Start test scenarios. Perform testing process in a set software environment.

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