
Dynamic Application Security Testing: Top 5 Automated Tools

Dynamic Application Security Testing: Top 5 Automated Tools

Websites are under constant attack from hackers looking to steal sensitive information or bring down the network. This is why it is so important for website applications to have a robust security testing program in place. We'll discuss DAST and its importance. We will also introduce you to 5 DAST tools that you can use to help protect your website.

Dynamic application security testing (DAST)

This is a method of assessing the security of applications while they are running. IT works by analyzing the way the application responds to its various tests. Hence the "dynamic" part of the name. This is in contrast to static application security testing (SAST), which merely tests the code without running it.

Why is DAST important?

DAST can play an important part in a website's security. Unlike other testing methods, DAST can perform when you are still developing an app. This implies that you can use it to test your applications right from the early stages of development. Therefore, can build your website with security in mind.

Benefits of DAST

There are many benefits to using DAST, including:

  • Improving website posture
  • Reducing the risk of data breaches
  • Early detection of vulnerabilities
  • Identifies issues that static code analysis may not
  • Reducing the risk of downtime
  • Improving compliance with security standards
  • Testing during early developmental phases
  • Easy to set up and use tools

Types of DAST:

DAST can be performed manually or automatically.

Manual DAST - This type of testing is done by a human tester without relying on tools. It is usually more precise, but it takes a higher level of skill and more time.

Automated DAST - This type of testing is performed using specialized software tools. Automated DAST is much faster and easier to use than manual DAST, making it the preferred method for most website owners.

Why use automated tools?

Automated DAST tools are faster and easier to use than manual testing methods. You can also use them to test websites regularly because of how quick they can be.

There are plenty of free tools that one can use to perform DAST on a regular basis. However, to get a more comprehensive and in-depth assessment of your website's security, you may want to consider using a commercial tool. You can check tradecraft for more security intel and more.

5 popular automated DAST tools

Here are five automated DAST tools that you can use to help protect your website:

1. Astra Pentest

Astra Pentest, though specifically for penetration testing, is great for vulnerability scanning and DAST. It is a fairly comprehensive tool with a wide range of features, including the ability to scan for vulnerabilities in web applications, networks, and databases.

2. Burp Suite Professional

Burp Suite Professional is one of the most popular automated web application security testing tools that would serve well for performing DAST. It has all the features you would expect from a DAST tool. For example, the ability to scan for common web application vulnerabilities and perform traffic analysis.


Zed Attack Proxy is an open-source tool for DAST. It is easy to use and you can integrate it into your continuous integration process. It also has a wide range of features, such as the ability to scan for vulnerabilities in web applications and intercept site traffic with a proxy.

4. Nessus Professional

Nessus is another popular automated vulnerability scanner that works great for DAST. It includes many options, including vulnerability scanning, configuration auditing, and compliance testing.

5. HCL AppScan

HCL AppScan is a commercial tool for DAST. It supports features like the ability to find web applications and database security flaws. It also has a comprehensive reporting system that makes it easy to track your website's security posture.

These are just some of the automated tools available for performing DAST. As you can see, there is a wide variety of options to choose from depending on your needs and budget.

Steps to performing DAST:

Now that you know a little more about DAST, let's take a look at how to perform it using some popular tools.

The steps in performing DAST are fairly simple:

  • First, determine the scope and goal of your test
  • Then you need to select the tool that you want to use.
  • Next, configure it for your specific website/URL/IP address.
  • After that, you run the tool and scan your website for vulnerabilities.
  • Finally, you fix any issues and repeat them as necessary.


DAST is a critical component of website security, and it should be done on a regular basis. However, you may save time by using these software programs. While also, assuring yourself that your website is as safe as it can be.


Varsha Bio Author Bio: Varsha Paul is a marketing specialist at Astra Security. She is a keen security enthusiast, loves playing with data, and has a passion for writing about technology.

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