
How to Build your Brand with Instagram Stories


Stories are fairly new in social media. At the same time, the use of Stories by brands to create awareness is even newer. So while Stories have been around for some time, it is only recently that organizations have welcomed the idea of using Stories to build their brands. Stories are features that allow users to share their photos and videos which disappear after twenty-four hours. The important thing to know is that Stories are working pretty well for branding efforts.

How Vital are Instagram Stories?

It is not in vain that fifty percent of the businesses on Instagram create Stories at least once a month to promote their products. Many advantages come with this. For one, it gives you the opportunity to do real-time marketing hence, allowing you to connect with your audience at the right time. You can maintain your visibility in the feeds of your followers. Also, they enhance your content and as a result, captivate your target audience.

How to Use Stories to Build your Brand

Diving right into it, here is how you can use Instagram Stories to build your brand.

Run Flash Sales

Considering the fact that Stories only stay visible for 24 hours, this can be an excellent opportunity for you to give discounts and promotions. Consumers love to get items at good prices. The best strategy when dealing with customers is by giving them what they want. You can also design the promotions so that they are primarily for people that follow your account.

It is a smart strategy for getting more people to follow you, and hence, generate leads. You can also use other platforms to spread the word about your promotion.

Work with Influencers

Social media platforms like Instagram produce better results if you have a big following. However, it is worth noting that getting quality followers is not something that will happen overnight. It may take some time. For this reason, you should make use of other accounts in your niche to grow your audience.

Working with influencers who already have a loyal following will help you reach bigger audiences. You can do this by asking them to post your content on their accounts for a few hours. Note that you will be expected to return the favor, mostly through giving monetary incentives, as this is a business deal.

Go Live

There is another way that you can deliver your Stories on Instagram accounts: going live! Consumers love live content. It can work very effectively in building your brand. How? It gives you the opportunity to have direct interaction with your customers and build a relationship with your audience.

You can improve customer engagement by going live and responding directly to comments in the chat as you go live and by having a Q&A session.

Make Use of User-generated Content

For your social media marketing efforts to be fruitful, you will be required to spend a significant amount of time creating quality content. But did you know that you do not always have to put in too much work?

Encourage your customers to participate in contests. By doing so, you will make them your ambassadors. Create a hashtag and encourage your customers to post photos and use it for them to win prizes. It will be a win-win situation for both you and your customers. Your customers will get rewarded and your business will be promoted.

Social media marketing has worked for many brands. It can do the same for you, especially if you take advantage of features such as Instagram Stories. Employ the strategies above, and you can soon have a success story to tell.

The idea to really consider is influencers. Did you know you can see BuySocialMediaMarketing user ratings before hiring IG influencers?  You can, so do your research.

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