
The Growing Argument for Online Learning

The Growing Argument for Online Learning

There will always be people who say that learning is best done in a classroom; that having face to face interaction with a tutor is more beneficial than learning through other methods such as online learning. However, probably the efficient way to determine the best form of learning is through exam results and from research studies that have been conducted. There is evidence that online learning students generally score higher than those students who learn in traditional classes.

While this is by no means conclusive, it certainly goes a long way to making the doubters reconsider their opinions of online learning. The fact of the matter is there are many reasons that online learning has become one of the leading methods of learning.

Online Learning Flexibility

For one, it provides flexibility. Whether it is someone completing a qualification but cannot travel to the location or someone who needs to fit study around work, traveling to and from university isn’t always practical. Many learning experts still advocate the blended learning approach, where different types of learning including online and classroom-based are applied.

Low Costs with Online Learning

Cost is another factor many people consider. How much money does it take for a company to organize a classroom or lecture hall when bringing staff in for training? Plus, the cost of paying workers to travel to training destinations could tally up a small fortune. Overall, the costs associated with this traditional learning approach can be enormous. Therefore, many companies now teach their employees through technology and Learning Management Systems, and for students, this is similar. Lectures can be filmed and uploaded, so a student’s education is never limited to a classroom. Over the course of a year, the logistical savings would be huge.

Location Flexibility with Online Learning

Therefore, flexibility in terms of location is one significant benefit of online training, as is cost savings. It also provides the opportunity for flexibility around time. So, for studying on a distance learning course, for example, the student can usually choose their own study hours as long as long as they continue to meet the deadlines. It can often seem like a daunting task when faced with multiple requirements, which is why the proliferation of online learning institutions, like RMIT university, have made online learning a viable option for those with other responsibilities.

A lot of people think that training, in general, can be dull, which is why there is a big argument for classroom training, where an enthusiastic trainer can bring scenarios to life and get everybody engaged. However, a well-designed online learning module can be just as engaging. With the introduction of gamification and incentivisation becoming popular, online learning can be an enjoyable experience, even when it covers the most mundane of topics. Instead of being spoken to, online learning modules can be interactive, like those available at Discovery Learning.

Diversity of Topics that Work

Online learning works well for so many different topics. A prime example is how popular it has become for revising driving theory tests. Companies like Top Tests provide online tests to enable learner drivers to practice for the real thing. Other services offer help writing papers and drafts such as do my homework for money. Having easy access to learning solutions like this makes it incredibly convenient for people to be able to learn at a time that is suitable for them. It also lessens the risk of failing and having to spend money on a retake. Why would people choose to learn any other way when online learning with Blue Poppy Courses & Education offers this kind of flexibility?

But, it goes even further than this. Besides quick and straightforwards solutions for revisions and studying, online education can benefit those who want to go back to school, earn a degree, and transform their career. This applies to a range of options, from taking open university courses for business, journalism, and more, to institutions such as Marymount University that enable budding nurses the chance to obtain a Master's degree. Again, it's the flexibility that will appeal to many, especially if they need to balance their current career alongside education for now.

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