
Free Benefits to Give Employees for Small Businesses

Free Benefits to Give Employees for Small Businesses

There are many great reasons to work for a small business, and one of those benefits is because employees get a chance to learn a different aspect of the company other than that of just their role.  As well, the opportunity to advance is usually greater as procedures larger companies set in place are removed. For most, it’s the work culture that pulls them into a role at a small business.

Smaller companies find it easier to incorporate the culture they are looking for and it is often more relaxed and suited to staff’s wants and needs.

Unfortunately, there is one downside to a small business that is often seen, and that is a lower cash-flow. This means that benefits you may see in larger companies can’t always be offered.  There are, however, free benefits to give employees that can have a big impact on team morale.

1. Working From Home Benefits

We aren’t suggesting you allow everyone to work from home all the time, this could be counter-productive in the long -run. But letting employees choose 1 day a week or a few days a month to work from home can be beneficial to your employees.

Studies have shown that working from home increases productivity so it’s a win-win for all involved. Your staff get some flexibility to help balance work and personal life while you get a more efficient team member.

By using Cezanne cloud HR software, it can mean communication between remote working employees can be enhanced as they can access company data and proceed ahead with their designated tasks, as well as provide opportunities for scoping out employee training requirements online.  

2. Scrap Dress Codes

It’s 2020 and who can say they want to be in business attire every day? Northwestern University conducted a study that revealed staff are happier at work when they feel more comfortable in their clothing.

Restrictive, formal clothing like jackets and ties can stifle creativity and employees can feel far more empowered dressing as their true self.

3. Bring Your Dog To Work Day

Who doesn’t want an office full of wagging tails? While some businesses may not have space or ability to allow staff to bring their pets with them every day, offering the occasional ‘bring your dog to work day’ will be an instant mood lifter.

It’s not new news that dogs can decrease stress in the workplace and it can save your employees cash by not having to pay a dog walker for that day. 

There are probably staff members who love dogs but don’t have one of their own, giving them a chance to meet their colleagues’ pets.

You can even use this as a group bonding exercise by taking everyone on an afternoon walk for a game of fetch.

4. Desk Swaps

Working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at the same desk in the same area can become repetitive and boring for many.

Desk swaps are a brilliant idea to refresh the staff’s working day without costing a penny. A new environment and view can breathe some fresh air into our routines.

It also means your staff can get to know others within the office they may not have been so close to before, helping build relationships in your workforce.

5. Mental Health Days

Every employee will struggle with stress, anxiety, grief and other emotions that impact their mental health negatively. 

When working with these issues, it can lead to greater problems and sometimes just simply taking a day or two to rest can make a world of difference.

Removing the stigma of mental health and allowing your staff to be honest as to why they need a day at home can lead to honesty between you and them, instead of them potentially lying and saying they are physically ill.

This will also help you provide support to anyone who is struggling with their mental health if needed.

6. Incentives

Incentives don’t always have to break the bank. You can offer these for outstanding service, meeting targets or anything else worth recognition.

You can provide small incentives such as cakes and treats, a gift certificate for lunch at a private dining room in Cincinnati, or Friday afternoon drinks. Other perks could include shorter working days or extra holiday days given.

One tried and tested incentive that won’t cost anything or even require any form of planning is by openly giving an employee appreciation in front of the rest of your team. Praise goes a long way and showcasing someone’s hard work can give a huge sense of accomplishment.

7. Office Library Benefits

While you may already have a library of work-related resources, why not create a non-fiction library in your office?

A bookshelf or box can be set up which you can fill with some of the latest bestsellers, giving employees a choice of literature while on breaks or to take home and enjoy.

If you don’t have the budget, ask employees to bring in any unwanted books from home and you will quickly grow your library.   If books aren’t something your employees would be looking for, you could create a games library. 

Board and card games are a brilliant way to build relationships between staff and can make lunch breaks a lot more fun.

8. Reducing Hours

During particular times of the year, staff could benefit from temporarily having their hours reduced. School holidays can be a nightmare for parents having to organize playdates and childcare.  By reducing hours when needed, you can relieve a lot of stress on working parents. 

When long weekends, such as bank holidays or Christmas are approaching, why not allow staff to leave early the day before. Who can honestly say they can focus completely on tasks when they know a long break is coming up?

9. Message Boards

Boards that show informal information that isn’t work-related means personal achievements don’t go unnoticed.

Perhaps someone is running a marathon or another has recently gotten engaged.  Using notice boards to show these personal accomplishments can create talking points throughout the office and give employees acknowledgement for their efforts.

If you are still struggling for inspiration for benefits that will work with your team, just ask. If staff are given something more tailored to their tastes and interests it shows you truly value them and care about their well-being while under your employment.

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