
Facebook News Feed Updates April 2015

It's not a broken record...

Facebook updates have occurred again!

Facebook announced on April 21, changes to their News Feed algorithm and I dig into the details in this episode of Halftime Mike!


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Facebook News Feed Updates April 2015:

With Facebook it's all about keeping up with their changes!

Does Facebook suck for all these changes?  Yes, rapid change can suck at times, but Facebook doesn't suck!

It's a powerhouse of business opportunity for marketers.  You just have to know what you are doing!

[Tweet "Facebook is a POWERHOUSE of Biz opportunity, you just have to know what to do! via @mike_gingerich"]

On April 21, Facebook announced a new series of changes and I cover what they mean in the podcast.  Here's the 3 items Facebook noted...

Facebook News Feed Updates April 2015:

1. Improving Experience of those with limited content available to see

Believe it or not, some people run out of News Feed content!  I know, not a problem for most of us Facebook fanatics. lol

Those with small numbers of friends and Pages liked could at times run out of content.  Have no fear!  This update by Facebook means they'll have content to see from their friends and Pages and dive deeper into the content those have shared to ensure the News Feed never runs dry!

2. Ensuring that content posted directly by the friends you care about will be higher up in News Feed.

This is a categorizing of content from closer friends (based on your interactions) appears higher (think "first") in your feed.  This is important because it doesn't mention Pages in that statement.  It is a social network so it is right they are trying to give them friend content.  However, there could also be a hit to Pages getting less reach due to this.

Facebook did go on to say...

"If you like to read news or interact with posts from pages you care about, you will still see that content in News Feed. This update tries to make the balance of content the right one for each individual person."

 Hmmm.  So will they get the balance right?

3.  Less updates related to seeing stories about friends liking or commenting on a post.

This is also an interesting move.  This could reduce the "viral nature" of posts by Pages.  Formerly you could potentially see in your News Feed a post comment by a friend on a post from a Page, especially if you were also a fan of that Page.  Now you will see less posts about activities friends have taken or engaged in with posts and potentially Pages.  So, will this hurt Pages?  Not sure yet.

It is a bad sign?

I don't think so!  Facebook is improving the user experience which it must continue to do or else people would leave Facebook.  As it is, this improves Facebook and as Facebook improves for the users, so they stay there.  As they stay there and spend HOURS on Facebook, your Page can reach them!  Yes, you may need to Boost a post now and then or run some Ads but that's business!

And you can reach your IDEAL, EXACT TARGET AUDIENCE so isn't that important?

Yes, I said Facebook is growing.  Check out these 1st Quarter 2015 Stats:



What are your thoughts and questions?  Be sure to listen to get my full take on the changes and their potential impact!!

Share your thoughts below!


As noted in my podcast, I want to start including a inspirational spot.  We all need to be moved in our heart.  This elevates our thinking, encourages us, and inspires us to live higher and better than any negative around us!

My inspiration this week came from a GodVine video.  It's about a businessman on an airplane who took the time to play with a little girl in the seat next to him.  She has autism and her mother had been dreading the flight, knowing her daughter didn't do well in confined spaces for hours and that she may potentially upset or irritate those around her.  She'd had experience with this!

However, this was not the case as the businessman exuded patience, kindness, and friendliness to the little girl.  She called him "daddy" and engaged him the entire flight!  He put his papers away and hung out with her.  The mother was so blessed that she wrote a blog post about the experience.

The blog post went viral.

People around the U.S. connected with the fear of this mother being replaced with extreme gratitude to towards this gentle businessman.

National news programs picked it up and tracked the man down to get his input.  It's beautiful.

May we all seize the moments around us to invest and help others!

YouTube video


Next Doable Task:

It’s always about taking away learnings and applying them!  What’s the key takeaway that you need to act on in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?
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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

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I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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