
Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

Digital marketing trends for 2021.

There are various components that make up digital marketing and various things it can do for a business. For instance, digital marketers can increase organic traffic and visibility through Search Engine Optimization, build brand presence in social media, save time with marketing automation, and more. However, with advancing technology, digital marketing components must keep evolving to fit new technologies. With this, every digital marketing agency must stay up to date with the trends because technology is fast pacing.

Constantly updated Facebook and Google algorithms also require that you regularly work on your digital marketing strategies. With this, what worked last year may not work in the coming years. That said, below are the top digital marketing trends for the coming year.

Use of No-Click Searches

Google and other search engines are at the core of digital marketing. Normally, potential customers would enter their search query and click on a link that provides the necessary information. However, recent developments now show some search results in a paragraph at the top of the results page. Such featured snippets occur at position zero of the search engine results and often provide key information and images that customers might be looking for.

While this is good for customers, it can be frustrating for digital marketers looking to attract visitors and generate traffic into their websites. This is because Google is providing all the answers to potential traffic and customers on its first page. However, this doesn’t mean all is lost. Your website can perform better if the search engine uses your website to provide such snippets.

To achieve this, you should provide information in the snippets that will draw the readers’ attention and possibly click on your website’s link to get more information. The key lies in updating page titles to show what searchers will get on your website, use schema markup to boost your content, and create how-to articles that are accurate.

Google Listing for Local SEO

Local brick and mortar businesses that provide services will benefit significantly from Google My Business Listings. Registering with Google My Business Listings helps establish your operational location and shows searches near your area. At a glance, potential customers can identify your exact location, business hours, address, ratings, and reviews.

Visual Search

With advancing technology, you may no longer have to type your search queries into search engines. Google Lens and Pinterest Lens, which use your camera to take photos, have made this possible. You can simply upload the image of what you want, and Google will provide relevant information. For instance, uploading a landmark elicits historical information while a plant gives the name, species, and other relevant data. Similarly, uploading a product gives information about the product, including the price and where you can buy it.

To take advantage of visual search, digital marketers should upload high-quality photos with descriptive keywords in their online inventories. You can also consider expanding your digital marketing strategies to Pinterest, in case potential customers search with Pinterest. That aside, make use of an image sitemap that increases chances of the image being discovered by search engines, include alternative texts for images, and include descriptive filenames in your photos.

Use of AI in Marketing

Over time, the use of Artificial intelligence has increasingly been absorbed by various businesses and marketing processes. By leveraging artificial intelligence, businesses can maximize their marketing abilities. From evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies to analyzing customer data, and tracking leads and sales. AI also helps to predict market behaviors and ease complex tasks. Despite the current heavy influence, AI’s effects in marketing are on the rise, with an anticipated 53 percent growth in 2021.


The digital marketing sphere is constantly changing, and as such, getting to know some of the expected trends before developing your 2021 digital marketing strategy is important. Use the above trends to begin building your digital marketing plan.

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