
7 Tips to Cut Your SEO Expenses without Losing Efficiency

7 Tips to Cut Your SEO Expenses without Losing Efficiency

These days, a business that does not have an online presence and a SEO strategy may just as well not exist at all. However, although online promotion tends to be much more affordable than traditional advertising methods, advanced search engine optimization can still cost more in total SEO expenses than many businesses can afford. If you represent a small business or a startup that has to count every dollar, it becomes especially important. So is it possible to both do effective SEO and not spend your entire budget on it? Well, yes, there is always a possibility for improvement – and in this article, we will cover some things you can do to that end.

1. Do What You Can Yourself to Lower SEO Expenses

While outsourcing is an excellent way to save time and focus either on the core activities of your business or your private life, it costs money. You may consider doing at least some of the things you outsource yourself. Of course, some people are just not cut out to write engaging texts or design websites, and SEO may look like quantum physics the first time you try to understand how it works. However, there is nothing one cannot do reasonably well with enough practice, and these days there are free guides, manuals and tools for virtually any task a marketer needs. Try doing stuff on your own. If it does not work out, you can always start outsourcing it again.

2. Make Every Guest Post Count

Guest posting is often cited as one of the most effective and efficient content marketing techniques, but currently we are more interested in its SEO potential. The good news is, guest posting is just as useful for improving your search engine ranking as it is for directly attracting new visitors – after all, high-quality backlinks are among the most important factors determining the authority of a resource. The bad news is, many marketers still try to use guest posting like they did ten years ago. Here is a wake-up call – posting dozens of low-quality posts across dozens of low-authority blogs will eat up your time and money without bringing any results. In fact, you can even get penalized by Google as well as incur SEO expenses that are unneeded.

The alternative is to make each guest post count. Choose target blogs carefully and aim for the ones with audiences similar to your customer base. Study the preferences of their owners and webmasters. Establish connections. Write fewer posts but make sure they are top-notch. This guide by guest posting agency can give you an idea of how to approach this task.

3. Focus on High-Quality Long-Form Content

We are used to hear that modern Internet users have an attention span shorter than that of a goldfish. Their brains will overheat if they have to read an article longer than 500 words, right? Wrong. Numerous experts claim that long-form content beats short-form, hands down. It makes sense – if you are looking for useful information, you are more likely to spend time reading a long and detailed article on your topic than a short generic post that barely scratches its surface. As long as you produce long, well-written articles that contain unique and valuable content, you get a much greater ROI than if you churn out dozens of small posts that are indistinguishable from what people can find on any other website on your topic.

4. Use Internal Linking

It does not get any cheaper than that. As you have complete control over the content of your own website, make sure you influence both Google and potential visitors by interlinking pages within your own domain. Firstly, when each page of your website has multiple meaningful links to other pages, it gives the reader more reasons to stay and read on, decreasing your bounce rate. Secondly, Google takes internal linking into account, and you can use it to improve your website’s ranking for certain keywords. For example, links in the first paragraph of an article show that this page plays a significant role in this keyword’s essential SEO and improves the authority of the page you link to.

5. Improve Your Site’s Loading Speed

Google added loading speed to the list of ranking factors back in 2010, and since then its SEO importance has only been growing. So, by decreasing it you have all the chances of improving your position in Google’s eyes – without going to any significant expense. If slow loading is your host provider’s fault, look for better options. If it is your fault, look how you can improve the situation. Do you use a lot of images? Compress them. Have you installed numerous WordPress plugins but do not really use most of them? Cut the flab and retain only those that are essential for your website’s functioning. In other words, go through everything related to your website and see what you can do to make it nimbler. But do not cut the essentials like the SSL certificate. Yes, it can make your website slower but the speed reduction is so minor that it isn't worth sacrificing your website's security. However, you can always use a cheap SSL certificate that can make a difference for your SEO budget.

Perfect SEO on a budget is doable to make SEO expenses manageable – but it requires attention, effort and determination. Let’s hope you have these qualities – now you know where to apply them!

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