
Checklist and Resource Guide on How to Set-Up a Coffee Shop

Owning any kind of business can be tricky, especially if you don’t know the tricks of the trade, and the same goes for all catering facilities. Among them are coffee shops where you will always have a lot of competition among other difficulties that come with this profession. The following article will provide you with tips on how to set up your place perfectly so that business will run smoothly.

Do detailed research

Setting up a catering business requires time, money, and patience, but also a lot of research. This means that you should learn the business by talking to consultants and people who already run a successful coffeehouse, as well as visiting other locations to find out what works and what doesn’t. This way you will have an insight into how things work backstage. Another good method of improving your business after opening is to run brief surveys with your customers, for example, what kind of food, beverages, or music they prefer. That way you will be sure to keep them satisfied so they will keep coming to your place.

Resource Guide on How to Set-Up a Coffee Shop

Create Your Own Perfect Vision

Before you get started with the development, you have to define what kind of place you want your coffee shop to be. For example, what kind of atmosphere do you want to create, thus you come up with a theme (wallpaper, photos, tables, lighting). It is a good idea to hire an interior designer for this job. Then you have to think about what kind of food and drinks you want to serve your customers.

Find Your Own Target Group

Be aware of your target group, because the sooner you understand who you will be serving, the easier it will be to create the perfect vision. You have to create a design that will draw customers into your catering facility and before you do that you need to determine who are the people you want to attract to your place. Once you do that, you will know what kind of interior to create inside your coffee shop, as well as what the overall atmosphere should be like.

How Do You Create Good Menus?

Your vision has to transfer to your menu as well. This means that the design you create on the level that even people who walk by can notice should also be applied to a micro-level. For example, if I intend to set up a coffee shop in my hometown in Tennessee, I would certainly take inspiration from the best coffee shops in Memphis, and how they operate, as well as serve customers a variety of hot & cold drinks like Mocha, Latte, Frappe, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, etc. The things you need to pay attention to when creating a menu are the following:

  1. Food options
  2. Design
  3. Color and fonts
  4. Descriptions
  5. Images
  6. Pricing

How to find a Good Location

A location choice depends on multiple things: budget, customer demographic, accessibility, etc. However, the things you should always consider are how visible is your cafe, how much foot traffic is around the area, what does the local community likes to do. Another important aspect when choosing where to settle down with your business is, will you be able to maintain it at an affordable price. This includes the rent, as well as exterior factors such as sewage and isolation.

Find the Best Suppliers and Equipment

One of the key components for any business to succeed in finding a reliable supplier. As a coffee shop owner, you first need to create a list of supplies that you will need to have delivered on a regular basis and then finding someone who will make sure everything is always in order. Finding a good purveyor should also be part of your initial research because that way you will know who you can count on in the area that you are setting up your coffee-house.

coffee shop

What Equipment and Resources Do You Need?

In order to make sure everything in the café will run smoothly, you will need to find proper equipment. When you are getting your much-needed machinery, like for example a high-quality commercial espresso machine, you will have a few options depending on your budget and your suppliers. Make sure that you create a full list of everything you need as it is listed below:

  1. Blender
  2. Refrigerators and freezers
  3. Dishwasher
  4. Cash register
  5. Coffee makers
  6. Espresso machine
  7. Industrial coffee grinder
  8. POS system and website
  9. Milk and water
  10. Curbside pickup supplies
  11. Industrial blenders
  12. Ovens and toasters
  13. Shelving
  14. Containers, pumps, and storage
  15. A security system

Create an Eye-Catching Marketing Campaign

Even before starting up your coffee shop, you’ll need to make sure that it already has a good reputation, and that people have heard of it so that they would come to your grand opening and stay as your regular customers afterward. Nowadays, the best-proven strategy for promoting your café is Instagram where you have to make sure to constantly post interesting photos and stories. You should also have in mind that this sort of marketing should never stop. Other good ideas are registering your place on sites like Google Maps and Tripadvisor to attract tourists and creating personal and interactive promotional content that would encourage your online viewers to share your posts

Be Sure To Hire The Right People

Creating and keeping great staff is very important for maintaining a successful business, and that is done by hiring the right people to do the jobs. The members of your crew should have chemistry, a positive attitude, experience, and a set of skills. Make sure that you have all of these checked and you will be happy knowing that you are always leaving your coffee shop in good hands. After finding the right people, it is up to you to give them proper instructions on how you want to have things done, and leaving it up to the manager that they do so. The crew of your café should consist of the following members:

  1. Baristas
  2. Cooks
  3. Manager
  4. Accountant
  5. Social media manager

You should also know that you have to be careful with hiring and always check the background of the people who apply for the job. This way you will make sure that everyone will be on the level with you, and that there will be no bad workers in your staff.

Additional Resources

Best Italian Espresso Machines and Brands In 2021

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