
Can Your Business Survive Without Video In Our New Digital World

Video In Our New Digital World

Regardless of how effective your sales strategy might be, the current trends suggest that without video in it, the survival chances for your startup are slim.

With internet speeds and smartphone usage at all-time highs, audio-visual content consumption is soaring. That trend will be further fueled as the advent of 5G grows wider and faster. Moreover, the recurring lockdowns will push more people to stay online, fulfilling their window shopping needs with video content.

Today, impactful videos are the key tool for aligning your sales and marketing teams to throw a lasting impression on potential customers. According to HubSpot research, established businesses publish around 18 videos a month. This tells us that your digital marketing strategy has no chance to prevail without including video in it.

In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why video is an unavoidable need for your business in 2021.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Video

1. Keep visitors engaged

According to a Forbes article, users on average spend 88% more time on websites with video than ones with other types of content. This means that you can organically increase the average time people spend on your website by adding audio-visual content. One main reason could be that videos are naturally more entertaining than blocks of text. They also help people retain information better.

2. Improve your site’s SEO

65% of business executives included in a poll said they go to a marketer’s site upon viewing a brand video, according to HubSpot research.

This means well-made video content can pique customer interest and boost traffic engagement, driving more viewers to your website. As click-through and traffic rates are major factors that play a role in Google ranking, the more clicks you get, the higher you’ll rank in SERPs.

3. Grab attention

Certain triggers can easily attract our mind’s attention. Some of them are movement, visuals, and auditory signals. Videos are the only tools that bring together all three of these to optimize marketing effectiveness. Moreover, most of the information coming from your brain is visual, which means viewers are more likely to remember information that’s fed to them visually as compared to text. The average viewer retains 95% of a ‘watched’ message and only 10% of content that’s read, as stated on the Videographer Newcastle site.

4. More shareable

When was the last time you shared a piece of text online? Probably not as recently as you’ve shared a video. That’s in line with 2019 statistics that suggest that social video gets 1200% more shares than image or text content combined. Videos aren’t only shareable due to their higher engagement and entertainment value, but also because they combine visuals and audio to communicate the message more openly.

5. Higher conversion rates

According to marketing statistics for 2016, adding video on landing pages can boost conversion rates by 80% or more. That number is probably even higher in 2021, as more people have smartphones in their hands with faster internet speeds and more free time due to recurring lockdowns.

Replace images with videos on a landing page will most likely improve conversions. This can bring potential buyers up close and personal with the products they’re interested in. They get a more detailed description as compared to text. As they’re more engaged, chances or message retention are improved. Watching a video also nurtures the trust and brand loyalty in visitors and customers, eventually leading to higher conversions.

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