
9 Shopify Tips All New Store Owners Need to Know

9 Shopify Tips All New Store Owners Need to Know

If you're opening a new Shopify store, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there. There's so much to learn and do that it can feel like a lot of work for no immediate payoff. You can hire a Shopify expert if you feel overwhelmed. But trust me when I say that if you follow these Shopify tips and put in some hard work now, your online store will pay off big time in the future!

1. Shopify has a ton of built-in tools that you can use.

Shopify has a ton of built-in tools that you can use. The platform is loaded with helpful features that make it easier for you to run your business. Shopify has an excellent support team, and there are tons of best Shopify apps to increase sales in the Shopify App Store (more on this later).

Shopify also has some great tools for marketing and SEO. If you're looking for ways to market your products online, check out their SEO toolkit or social media management app.

2. You have to spend money to make money.

If you want to succeed as a store owner, you need to be willing to spend money.

You have to be willing to spend money on advertising. If your products perform well, people will come back for more and that's where the real profit lies.

You also have to be willing to spend money on product photography and packaging. Your products are going up against the competition, so they need all the help they can get!

3. Don't be afraid to test everything.

  • Don't be afraid to test everything.
  • Exploit Shopify's A/B testing functionality as much as possible to improve customer experience and conversion rates.
  • If you're not doing A/B testing yet, it's time to start! It can be daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it'll become second nature (and will help grow your business).

4. Be patient with your store's success.

Be patient with your store's success.

It’s important to remember that it takes time, effort, and perseverance to build a successful brand, whether you’re an entrepreneur or just starting out as a new employee at a company. In fact, building up your brand can take years of dedicated work and consistent marketing strategies (which is why we recommend following these Shopify Marketing Best Practices). Don't get discouraged if you don't see results overnight—this journey is often one of slow growth!

5. Focus on building community, not selling.

One of the biggest Shopify tips is to build a community. It is not a quick process, but it's well worth the effort. The best way to start building your community is by getting out of your own head and listening to what your customers want.

If you're new at this whole online store thing and wondering how do I build a community? Here are some ideas:

  • Talk with people on social media (of course)
  • Host webinars or live streams on Facebook Live
  • Comment on blogs or in forums relevant to your product category or industry

6. Think about the long-term effects of scaling back today.

It's hard to see past the immediate need for revenue and cash flow, but it's important to think about the long-term effects of scaling back today. For example, if you invest X amount of money in advertising today, you'll make that money back over time as customers get used to your product and buy again later. But if you don't invest in marketing now, those sales might never happen—or they may take even longer than they would have taken with proper marketing efforts.

Because Shopify is a subscription software platform rather than a one-time purchase like most platform services, there are no upfront costs associated with using it (aside from getting set up with an SSL certificate). This means that as soon as your store is ready for launch, so too is its ability to generate revenue by selling products online!

7. Keep an eye on your conversion rates, but know that they won't always be high.

One of the most important things to understand about conversion rates is that they can be high, or they can be low—and either way, it's not a problem.

Conversion rates vary widely depending on the niche and industry you're in. If you sell shoes online and they take two years to make before being delivered to your customers, then it makes sense that your conversion rate will be low compared with someone who sells something like yoga pants which are easy to purchase online and ship quickly.

If you happen to have a really high conversion rate (like over 5%), don't worry! That's great! But if your conversion rate is lower than what people expect for their industry (for example if most eCommerce sites have a 3-4% average), then there may just not be enough demand for what you provide yet; however, this could change over time as more people become aware of what exactly it is that you do.

8. You need to be present on social media for it to work for you.

You can use social media to connect with customers, get feedback from them, and even get reviews. Social media is a great way to find new customers too!

9. Building a successful online store takes time, patience, and some up-front investment.

Building a successful online store takes time, patience, and some up-front investment. You need to have a good product that customers want to buy. You also need to have a good website that can handle heavy traffic without crashing or slowing down. And then you need to have a marketing strategy that drives people from search engines and social media platforms to your site where they can learn about what you sell and decide whether or not they want it in their lives.

Once you’ve got those things figured out, comes the customer service aspect of running an eCommerce business—something every retailer must master if they hope for success in this industry. If customers aren't happy with their experience shopping on your site, chances are they won't come back again (and tell all their friends too). That's why customer service should always be at the top of your priority list as an entrepreneur selling goods online; it will help ensure repeat customers who become brand advocates because they love both the products themselves but also how easy/friendly it is buying them through your company!


Building a successful online store takes time, patience, and some up-front investment. The good news is that Shopify is here to help you along the way. Use the Shopify tips above and get started. Once you have your store up and running, Shopify has plenty of built-in tools and resources to keep growing your business.

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