
7 Secrets for Businesses Starting to Use Social Media

7 Secrets for Businesses Starting to Use Social Media

The social media presence seems to be a prerequisite step in the evolution of a powerful brand. Every major business is investing large amounts of resources in these channels while there are still many skeptics that question the effect of this online marketing.

However, the numbers are speaking volumes of the fact that social media platforms are here to stay. There are 2 billion active social media accounts. Imagine that each of them is a consumer in the search for information and products to improve their lifestyle. Moreover, if we think of the fact that there are around 8 billion people on our planet, we can see social media as the door that leads directly to the global market.

We will focus more in this article on the power of social media for the business mediums and shape them in 7 awesome benefits.

1.     Brand recognition

While the purpose of the official website of a brand is to deliver information about the products, the social media platforms are the main channels to spread the word about your brand. When people access their social profiles, they primarily seek the connection with their friends and family. However, personal interests cannot be switched off, especially when the use of such platforms is not for work. Thus, the users are always in search for the next interesting bits that may improve the quality of their life.

This is where your brand comes in. The sharing of information stands at the basis of any social platform, and your brand can be among these topics. If the company brings value to the community, the word of mouth will be activated in this online environment. Happy customers can be encouraged to talk about the brand, and their posts can be in return seen by their friends and followers. And this is how the brand recognition is getting stronger and stronger. You can help this phenomenon by using social media amplification on your website. Plus, there is not needed a high budget to make your brand popular throughout these platforms.

2.     Brand loyalty

The frequent social posts are not only meant to bring new leads for the sales departments but also maintain and increase the loyalty of old customers. Studies show that 53% of Americans are developing a loyal behavior towards the brands they follow on social media.

The official social profile of a company holds more than just the opportunity to deliver quality content. It also nourishes the connection between brand and customers. The ability to directly reply to the posts of your favorite brand and play a role in its community keeps the interest in the brand alive.

3.     Cost effective targeted ads

The social media is not only an access point to 2 billion consumers, but it can also be used to send your campaigns to the exact target audience. The social ads are the most inexpensive promotional methods and yet one of the most effective strategies for high ROI. Social media is vital to the business success when it comes to online advertising. Facebook Ads, for example, offer audience segmentation that fits the profile of your marketing persona. If your present campaign is suited for the California motorcycle riders than Facebook knows exactly where to deliver your sponsored posts.

4.     Customer persona

The social media platforms are ultimately a valuable source of information about your target audience. Just by simply analyzing the profiles of the brand followers opens up a tap of insights. You can get to know what the preferences, hobbies, working fields or demographics of your ideal consumers are. These details will enable you to create more targeted marketing campaigns.

Moreover, the followers can provide constructive feedback for the business. They may prefer writing on social media about their issues with the brand activity rather than contacting customer service. While the feedback shouldn’t be hidden or altered, its negative connotation can be turned into proactive improvements of the brand itself.

5.     Higher conversion rates

One main reason that the consumers choose to interact more with the brand on social platforms is the humanizing effect. Behind any purchasing decision stands the reason of brand trust. Often times, the website of a company provides a lot of bodies of information to the detriment of originality or entertainment. However, a social profile can be used as the voice of a brand, which has originality and authenticity.

This voice of the brand tackles only issues that correspond to a set of values that are shared by the entire community. Once the consumers identify their own values with the ones from the company, a relationship of trust is created. From here to the purchase decision is just a matter of time.

6.     A bridge between social followers and website

Once the consumers identify their needs with a brand, they usually start some research about the company. And what better way there is to do so, but the official website of the brand? So, between the social interaction and website activity is just one small step.

The website can be easily tracked down in the social profiles if made visible and the traffic gathered on social channels can get redirected to the website itself.

7.     Upgraded Customer Service

Even though they can be used for a lot of different personal and business reasons, social media platforms are a communication channel. But unlike the more traditional ways of online communication, like e-mail or chats, this type of platform is transparent. This means that everybody can see the public series of replies between the customer and the brand.

This can be used to the advantage of the brand if it is wisely handled. The complaints can be dealt with proactive measures, like publicly assuring the unsatisfied customers that they will receive a brand new product without extra costs. Or the brand can over deliver and repay all the comments of a popular post with personalized gifts.

These 7 awesome benefits created by the social platforms can be enough to improve the performance of any business. After all, the social media is a way to connect the brand with the clients. Remember that a company without loyal customers has few chances of success.

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