
6 Traits that make a Good Leader

Traits that make a Good Leader

When it comes to being a good leader there are some traits and characteristics that must be in place no matter the leadership style. These not only help the leader to get things done but also helps to inspire confidence within the organization resulting in better performance and productivity.

1. Communication

This is one of the most important factors when it comes to being a leader. The ability to communicate in an effective, inspiring thought-provoking manner will set you apart instantly. As a leader, your voice should be clear and consistent. You must also be thoughtful and rousing as your communication skills will be the driving force of the organization's vision and mission.

The different tones, accents, and context you add to your communication will have a big impact on the eventual outcome. The different and varied communication channels that you use will also set you apart. Great leaders carry an informal style of authority that is not too friendly or too close. This helps to ensure that the level and designation are given the respect it deems.

2. Integrity

As a leader, a sense of integrity is a must. In most cases, integrity must go beyond the traditional definition. Having ‘the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles’ will help you encompass an overall vision. Additionally, having a strong ethical and moral compass can provide all stakeholders along the value chain a sense of confidence and exuberance in terms of dealing with an individual of integrity.

The integrity that a leader shares with his or her subordinates creates an atmosphere of pride and prestige. Especially as they attempt to walk in the footsteps of their visionary leader. An individual that inspires everyone around them to always act with an in-built sense of right and wrong. A charismatic leader continues to inspire others to continually act in a manner that reflects his or her’s own integrity.

3. Ability to Delegate

A leader should be able to get things done. Delegating tasks is of critical importance in achieving the company’s overall growth in line with the vision and mission. Delegating is not about shouting or talking loudly. But rather, a concentrated effort in identifying and recognizing particular skill sets of certain individuals and assigning them tasks that match their capability profiles.

Delegation and a leader's ability to delegate also ensures that the workload is spread out evenly to meet the targets of a particular objective. With effective delegation, the leader also frees up himself to be available to attend to all the different facets of the company’s goals in a timely manner. Thereby, guiding the organization in reaching its achievements in a successful manner.

4. Gratitude

When a particular individual or team is performing exceptionally then it is up to the leader to not only express their appreciation, they should also share a sense of gratitude for all the hard work put in by the individual or the team in contributing to achieving the company’s overall vision and mission.

A good leader will always show their gratitude and return the favor with kindness. Gratitude is not always a one-way street. It can make subordinates feel valued, appreciated, and welcomed by the organization and further drive them to make more significant contributions in helping the leader fulfill his or her duties.

5. Empathy

A good leader will always have a sense of in-built empathy along with the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. A leader must always provide any situation with context and place themselves as if they were in the shoes of the specific individual.

By making attempts to place themselves in the position and circumstances of the relevant employee, a good leader can appreciate and better grasp the unique nature of their situation. Therefore they can offer a practical, effective and kind solution that takes into account where that person is coming from.

By always sharing an empathetic tone and sense of understanding what someone is going through or experiencing then a good leader can foster harmony. This inculcates wider empathy across the whole organization that can be infectious and can show great results.

6. Courage

They say it takes courage to be a good leader and this is very true. A good leader will inspire the organization with his or her ability to do something that frightens them. They will show strength in the face of any problems or issues.

Courage is an attribute that leaders must develop over time. Usually, this is from past experiences that nurture the leader’s ability to face up to difficult situations with confidence and in a brave manner.

Such displays of courage can also inspire all stakeholders of the organization to reach and aim higher. Then, eventually perform better, driving the growth of the company in a profitable manner, especially in Mobile App Development Companies.


A good leader is always present, always understanding, and shows empathy and gratitude in all situations. If you want to be a good leader then work on the above qualities!

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