
5 WordPress Plugins That Will Make Marketing Easier

5 WordPress Plugins That Will Make Marketing Easier

If your website is managed in WordPress, you will already know what a great CMS it is thanks to all of the free plugins and themes that are on offer. What you may not know about WordPress is that it is the perfect CMS to market from because of all the free marketing plugins that are also ready to be taken advantage of. Have a look at five of the most popular plugins that could make all the difference in your blog’s success.

5 WordPress Plugins That Will Make Marketing Easier

1. Jetpack

Jetpack is currently one of the most popular WordPress plugins on offer thanks to its statistics, social sharing capabilities, security, and plenty of other performance related features. Jetpack was built in conjunction to work with the website which means it has all the statistics you need to see what is working for your blog and what is not.

2. Google XML Sitemaps

One of the more basic plugins available on the WordPress platform is the Google XML Sitemap plugin. This plugin can be installed very easily and it will automatically create sitemaps for your site when content is updated. You will also be able to create your own sitemaps manually depending on your requirements. This plugin is by far the best when it comes to creating sitemaps and could be the difference between adopting a good search engine optimization philosophy, and none at all.

3. Yoast

Yoast is an SEO plugin that will not only better your search engine optimisation experience, but it will also help you market your written content correctly. It will help you choose keywords for your content and it will give you the knowledge you need to take your content to the search engines to benefit from organic traffic. Yoast is the biggest SEO plugin available and it’s popular for a very good reason. If you don’t have any experience when it comes to search engine optimisation, but you have a blog you want to market in the right way, you will not find a better plugin than Yoast.

4. W3 Total Cache

Not only will you want to market your website in the correct way, but you’ll also want to make sure it is performing to its highest speeds so your audience can benefit from it. A lot of web hosting providers, such as, are already quick enough, but there will be times where you want to clear the cache of your blog and this plugin will do that with ease.

5. OptinMonster

If you are looking to grow your mailing list for email shoots, you will want to have a look at OptinMonster in more detail. This plugin will help you market your blog easily thanks to some of the features it offers. It has plenty of different web form templates for you to use to gain data on your visitors, and the best part is that it can be used in conjunction with popular email marketing providers.

6. Cloudways WordPress Migrator

The core appeal of a tool like Cloudways is the ability to manage your hosting needs from a central system, but you may be intimidated by the prospect of handling a complex migration from your current hosting. Thankfully, the Cloudways WordPress Migrator plugin allows seamless migration of your WordPress website to the Cloudways cloud hosting platform. 

Cloudways is one of the fastest WordPress hosting solutions (it already hosts over 600,000 WordPress sites), offering a fully-managed and scalable cloud hosting service that ensures great performance, high security, and 24/7 availability, ultimately enabling you to focus your efforts on your design and marketing strategies rather than hosting complexities.

The above plugins are perfect for both new and experienced users when it comes to marketing with WordPress. Taking advantage of plugins on the WordPress platform will not only give you the instant knowledge you need to create a successful blog, but they will also save you hours of work thanks to their automated capabilities. The WordPress hosting control panel also makes it easy for all users.

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