
5 Ways to Make Your Video Viral on Instagram

Video Viral on Instagram

Creating viral content is not an easy task. You may be very passionate about your work, creating amazing videos and Instagram reels. Yet you still do not get the number of likes and shares you were hoping for.

Instagram has become such a powerful social media network with over 700 million users. It has the power to take an ordinary profile to prime time. Therefore, it is essential to understand the secrets to make your content viral and gain Instagram followers.

Viral videos can significantly boost your online presence. Many brands buy Instagram views to improve visibility. However, several ways can potentially make your video viral on Instagram.

Let’s look at the five creative ways to make your video viral on Instagram without having to buy Instagram views and likes. Moreover, these tips will help you gain Instagram followers organically –

Study Competitor’s Insights

Analyzing and studying your competitor's Instagram strategy is a great way to understand how you can make your video viral on Instagram.

  • Take notes of the format, post time, Instagram description, and hashtags used for content that is working well for your competitor.
  • Check if the post is sponsored or in collaboration with an Instagram agency or influencer.
  • Look at what type of audience is interacting more on their post. That will help you form your target audience.

By tweaking and refining your Instagram profile, you can gain Instagram followers and make viral videos without having to buy Instagram views.

Create Unique Content

If you notice carefully, every viral content is always unique. Moreover, every viral video has a creative element that makes it stand out. For example, a viral video can be visually stunning, informative and newsworthy, emotionally engaging, or even controversial.

  • Always make content that has a clear point of view.
  • You can create content on current global topics or internet trends. For example, create content that is related to a news event such as a new product launch by your brand.
  • Be creative and think out of the box. Moreover, try how you can make the video more aesthetic and entertaining.
  • Create a unique hashtag specific to your profile and ask your followers to share and like. Moreover, challenge them to make a similar video using their creativity and post it using your unique hashtag. It is a great way to increase visibility online, gain Instagram followers without having to buy Instagram views and impressions.

Use Analytics to Know your Audience

Instagram Analytics is a powerful social media tool that analyses the performance of every post. Moreover, it provides a detailed view of what content is working well and where you can improve. Additionally, Instagram analytics gives an overview of the type of audience engagement you have on your profile.

So how can you use Instagram Analytics to make viral videos? The answer is quite simple –

  • Learn from Instagram Analytics about the content that is working well and make a similar type of content with creativity and uniqueness.
  • End your videos with a 'Call-To-Action' asking your audience to share, like, or repost.
  • Use Instagram Analytics to optimize your schedule time, hashtags, and description.

Understanding the analytics and making a content strategy can be challenging. It requires trial and error. However, be patient as these creative tips will help you to gain Instagram followers and grow organically on Instagram.

Increase Audience Engagement

It is better to have a small number of followers that are highly engaged than to have a large following who don't interact on your posts. It is essential to understand that content goes viral when the people who care share the post online.

Therefore, it is crucial to find your target audience. Find the people who would relate well with your content and care enough to share your posts multiple times. Provide value to your audience through positioning and education. It helps the people to connect well with you and your brand.

Once you know who your target audience is, create engaging and entertaining content to increase audience interaction. This step will help to boost your online presence and make your video viral on Instagram. Moreover, you will gain Instagram followers without having to buy Instagram views or impressions.

Paid Promotions & Collaborations

Instagram Algorithm shows that most users engage more with sponsored content on Instagram as compared to other social media platforms. Therefore, investing in paid promotions is a good way to increase Instagram reach.

Most of the popular brands and digital marketers take the leverage of Instagram Ads and paid promotions to improve visibility and promote their businesses online. Additionally, you can also try to collaborate with brands that may compliment your niche.

Collaborations with other popular Instagram influencers are also a great way to gain Instagram followers. By collaborating with other influencers you'll be able to reach out to a larger audience without having to buy Instagram views and invest in paid promotions.


Instagram has become one of the most popular and widely used social media networks in the world. You can find celebrities, top brands, and popular influencers who create viral content now and then on Instagram.

It might seem challenging sometimes, but there are strategic ways to make your video viral on Instagram as well. The first step includes understanding your audience. Moreover, keep an eye on your competitor’s insights. Create unique content that is well composed and newsworthy. Lastly, keep your audience engaged.

These tips are proven ways to gain Instagram followers without having to buy Instagram views. Paid promotions and collaborations are another way to boost your Instagram presence and make viral content. It might require some investment but it is worth a try.

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