
5 Tips For Choosing The Right Cloud Agnostic Platform

Choosing The Right Cloud Agnostic Platform

Among the notable feats of modern technology is cloud computing services. Utilizing this technology allows businesses to boost their efficiency and data management. And as more enterprises rely on cloud services, developing apps and infrastructures compatible with both public and private clouds has become increasingly necessary. Even for organizations that use a single public cloud provider, having a reliable cloud-agnostic platform is proven to be beneficial.

What Is Cloud Agnostic?

Third-party providers provide virtual storage and software machines through the internet as cloud computing services. But with cloud agnostic platform solutions, you can have more freedom.

A cloud strategy using a cloud-agnostic platform allows organizations to efficiently and cost-effectively migrate workloads and applications to different providers without establishing a preference between them. Essentially, adopting a cloud-agnostic platform eliminates the dependence on a single cloud service provider, improving your organization’s flexibility.

In addition, you may transition to another cloud provider without suffering downtime using cloud agnostic deployment. But with so many options available, you may narrow your search based on many factors.

That said, this article will outline some valuable tips on how you can choose the right cloud-agnostic platform.

1. Choose A Platform That Includes Microservices Architecture  

If you're working on an existing application or developing a new product, considering microservices can be a smart idea. This is because microservices enable you to split an application into different modules. They can make it simpler to create and test apps while also making them easier to deploy.

This tool can also aid in scaling an application, the migration of an application, and the introduction of new technologies. Note that microservices architecture, on the other hand, decreases your reliance on a particular technology stack and is particularly well suited to containerized platforms. 

2. Choose A Provider That Can Manage Your Database Service 

Consider a platform that can help manage your database. Most public cloud providers provide managed database deployments, administration, maintenance, and access.

You may choose a cloud-agnostic database service that’s produced and accessible via the use of cloud infrastructure. It performs several of the same activities as a conventional database but with the extra flexibility from cloud computing services.

3. Choose Cloud Providers With Valuable Features 

A good cloud-agnostic platform should enable you to switch cloud providers with the least amount of hassle if price, performance, or features change in a short period. A multi-cloud model, in which workloads divide between several providers, is also possible with this technology.

That way, you won't lose out on valuable features only offered from one or a small number of service providers. Execute just the workloads that bring advantages to the service provider that provides you. In addition, you may use the cloud services of the providers whose offers are the most appropriate for your business needs.

cloud computing platform

4. Choose The Most Flexible Monitoring Platform 

When evaluating your options, it is critical to verify that the software is compatible with numerous cloud providers rather than just one single cloud provider. With a cloud-agnostic solution, it's easy for a firm to employ the monitoring solution from the cloud provider.

When using a cloud-agnostic solution, you shouldn't depend on a single cloud provider's monitoring solution. Especially, if you're employing numerous platforms. After all, you want to ensure that the monitoring software will warn you if a particular platform is experiencing problems. To maintain uptime, enterprises should investigate open-source monitoring solutions that several cloud service providers host.

5. Choose Integration With Portability  

Some suppliers offer very comparable services, while others specialize in specific areas such as government hosting or HIPAA compliance. You have the flexibility to choose among the assistance given by each vendor when you use a cloud agonistic platform.

Suppose the cloud application wasn't for a specific cloud provider but rather for the cloud as a whole. In that case, a cloud-native architecture will only assist with integration and portability issues.

The Bottom Line

The perception is often that cloud computing is the future, however, you must note that it is continuously evolving. A cloud-agnostic strategy, for instance, allows you to choose various cloud services rather than a single vendor.  To assure the availability of key applications, services can distribute among various cloud providers.

More so, cloud-agnostic core services are often the ones that must be fail-safe in most businesses. There may be additional apps inside an organization that need certain cloud providers or on-premises infrastructure to run. As such, when choosing a platform, ensure that it can operate in a variety of cloud environments without encountering any issues and would fit your business's unique needs and requirements.

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