
5 Marketing Tips for Creating Powerful Advertising

Marketing Tips for Creating Powerful Advertising

If your online store isn’t hitting its sales goals, it’s probably because your marketing efforts aren’t compelling enough. This is where using advertisements as marketing tools come into play. In this brief guide, we’ll briefly go over the concept of ad marketing and provide you with five helpful tips that can help you make powerful advertising campaigns.

What Is Ad Marketing?

Ad marketing is the use of premium advertisement services to get your name, products, and/or services out there. The point of ad marketing is to convey highly detailed, universal, and memorable messages to a broader market. All while trying to encourage them to take a specific action. These actions could include signing up for email newsletters or spending money on your brand’s product.

Types of Ad Marketing

Ad marketing can be done in two ways: pay-per-click advertisements and publishing advertisements on social media.

Pay-per-Click Ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads have a greater chance of attracting leads who are prepared to take action. In Google, you’ll find examples of PPC ads before organic search results. Since most can’t distinguish ads from organic search results, businesses can rely on PPC ads to increase the number of visitors and leads.

Social Media Ads

Do not neglect social media as a legitimate marketing tool. These platforms let you design ads that show up and on user feeds and timelines, which can truly help your brand become noticed.  Social media platforms will use incredibly complex algorithms to deliver ads to those who have the greatest chances of taking action. Plus, being so highly customizable, it offers marketing teams the unique opportunity to create eye-pleasing advertisements (pictures and video) to convince social media users to choose your company.

5 Tips to Create a Powerful Ad Campaign

If you’re prepared to run an effective and powerful advertising campaign that can boost sales or increase email newsletter lists, we’ll provide you with five tips you can use to get the reap the best rewards from advertisement efforts.

1. Chose the Correct Bidding Strategy

Your bid strategy lays the foundation for the entire ad campaign. You can choose from several strategies for profit bidding in Google Ads. These strategies typically fall into four major categories: conversion-based, impression-based, click-based, and interaction-based.

2. Set a Campaign Budget

Many would consider the campaign budget to be the most crucial part of a marketing campaign.  Your budget will keep ads running to attract more visitors, but you should know how much you’re comfortably willing to part with. Some platforms don’t impose a minimum budget. Instead, they’ll collaborate with marketing teams to make their funds work best for them. That said, the more you spend, the greater the chance a campaign has of becoming successful.

3. Craft the Perfect Social Media Advertisement

Megan Ptaszenski of Association Headquarters offers the three steps to produce effective social media advertisements.

  •         Know your audience

Tools like Tweriod and Facebook Page Insights can help you figure out which times are ideal for posting content to reach your target audience and learn about the statistics behind every post.

  •         Conduct social media audits

A social media audit involves interpreting different metrics to gauge growth, opportunities and improve social media presence. Consider this a type of SWOT analysis to identify which areas your marketing team excels in, which areas need improvement, and how to mitigate risk and take advantage of prospective situations.

  •         Create and stick to a content calendar

Based on the information you’ve gathered from the audit, you’ll want to create a content calendar that dictates the frequency of posting content to reach the highest number of people at once.

4. Make an Effective Landing Page

Ad marketing only creates doors for people to access your website and nothing more. From then on, it’s your responsibility to keep them on your webpage for as long as possible. What you can do to pique interest and thus extend the length of every visit is to create an effective landing page. It needs to be well-formatted, have minimal frills, use headers and banners, and have a clear call to action to have a higher chance of converting leads.

5. Consider Retargeting Ads

There’s no denying that digital ad campaigns don’t always work, but don’t make the mistake of deeming an ad campaign ineffective solely based on low conversion or sales figures. People might notice your website, check out your products, but not place a purchase order. This, however, doesn’t necessarily translate into lost leads. It might take the second or third retargeted before converting visitors into paying customers.

Go Out and Get Your Brand Noticed

Premium advertisement services are a great way to get your brand out there to a broader market. PPC and social media marketing can help capture new leads much more effectively than organic search results. In this brief guide, we’ve given you five helpful tips that you can implement to create powerful advertising campaigns that are effective and profitable.

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