
5 Building Blocks of an Effective Web Presence

5 Building Blocks of an Effective Web Presence - 315

It’s important to keep up with the frequent changes on the web that affect your company’s online presence. Here are several key points to keep in mind to make sure your business has an effective web presence that is consistent and performing well according to today’s standards. The way that you present yourself on the web will influence your audience's judgment of your company and whether they stick around to interact with you.

1. Responsive Website Design

Having a site with responsive design is a must. This means mobile and tablet friendly as the website “responds” to adjust and present content well based on the device it is being viewed on.

An increasing number of users are navigating the web on their tablets or smartphones. Ensure your company’s visibility by having a responsive design. The mobile view of your website should have large, clear text, images, and buttons that are easily clickable with a finger. Don't put clickable links too close together and make them easy for large fingers to click. Analyze each page of your mobile website individually for its usability and design. To make sure your website is responsive, you can build it using webflow development principles.

2. Organized and Prioritized Layout

A website layout refers to a framework or pattern that defines the structure of a website. It structures the information seen on a website, both for the owner and the users. A web layout provides clear navigation paths within web pages and places the most important website elements at the front and center.

Typically, the users of your website will do what you “tell them” to do.

By having an organized site navigation, you’re making it easier for the user to complete a goal. That goal is usually a conversion of some sort; it may be checkout completion, an email opt-in, registration sign-up, etc. Once the goal is initiated, make sure your users know they have arrived at the correct place with relevant content on the appropriate page.

If you want to embrace HubSpot web design, for instance, you can work with a HubSpot specialist who can be an extension of your web design team. By doing so, your business will have a repeatable stream of new leads and customers to attain consistently high revenue.

Check the following tips when designing your website layout:

  • Balance The Silhouette View: Your layout’s silhouette view refers to the simplest representation of a website’s bare structure. It doesn’t have any color, specific content, or additional elements. The visual elements should be coherent with the silhouette view to strike a perfect balance.
  • Don’t Hesitate To Try Standard Layouts: Traditional path aims a website to function at its best. But, you can try other layouts, too. Use daring structures and designs to make an impact on users. Unexpected web element arrangements can help increase a user’s memory retention about your website.
  • Use Focal Points: Draw users’ attention by using a focal point, such as a call-to-action button. Also, images and headings can be used as focal points, depending on how these elements are integrated into your website layout. These focal points become your website‘s biggest points of interest, capturing users’ attention.

3. Blog Resource Center

For users to view you as an authority, you will need to display your company’s expertise and be a resource.

A blog allows you to publish content quickly and easily. When you provide value upfront in the form of content, you allow others to build trust in your knowledge. That trust supports your credibility and places you in the position of the expert. Users will come back to your site time and time again when they know your site contains a wealth of resources in the form of guides, videos, whitepapers, and other content you can publish on your blog.

Here are some tips to make your website a blog resource center:

  • Upload content that contains the latest news or updates on the niche you specialize in.
  • Link your website links to other reputable websites to supplement and back up the information users see in your website.
  • Create content that you're highly knowledgeable discussing, in a tone that average readers can clearly understand.

4. Lead Capture CTA

Moving someone from visitor to lead is lead capture, and to do so you need a CTA (Call to Action).

It’s essential to stay current with best practices for gathering information from your viewers. Many sites have had good success with embedding an email opt-in box in a blog post. Nowadays, it’s necessary to get creative. The old email opt-in box in the sidebar of your site trick isn't working as effectively and should not be your only means of CTA on your website. On your blog, offer expert level information as downloadable content. Use call to actions to entice a viewer into downloading your content to gain a valuable lead for a product or service you offer.

5. Social Media Sharing on Key Pages

To be an effective web presence, your site needs to make it easy for your own business, as well as any visitor, to share your great blog and web page content on social media! Offer the primary social media network sharing buttons at the top or side of key pages. It’s highly recommended to have them on every new blog post you publish on your business site. Typically this is a one-time setup by your web developer. Allowing others to share your content helps your content to get spread wider and farther online.

Become an active social listener in your industry and learn the pain points of your audience. The more problems you can solve for your audience, the more value you provide, which enhances your web presence and the value your audience recognizes in your business.  By following these 5 simple guidelines on your business website, you can establish an effective web presence online that grows business.

It's not just a website, it's a sales tool!

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